New member
As far as I know, var contains test but it's synthetic.
It doesn't.
As far as I know, var contains test but it's synthetic.
Ignoring gains, etc... do you understand what taking Var will do to your HPTA and what risks are associated with it? Is the risk really worth the potential reward?
And do you understand why your body requires testosterone to function properly? And that it will stop producing testosterone while you are on Var?
No, what will the Var do to my HPTA? Also, I figured the var acts as a replacement for test during the cycle and is responsible for the gains, no?
AAS are called anabolic androgenic steroids because they do two things: anabolism: promoting tissue growth (like muscle) and trigger virilization (deepening of voice, facial hair, male puberty) - the androgenic part.
Different steroids do these two things to varying degrees, and Anavar specifically is designed to be primarily anabolic and minimally androgenic - that's why it's the preferred steroid for women.
So, no: Anavar will not substitute for testosterone for the many body functions and tissues that are affected by testosterone levels.
Anavar will suppress testosterone production (as you've already been told), so you will end up having replaced the steroid your male body was designed around with a synthetic steroid that lacks the essential (androgenic) properties of testosterone.
That's why it is considered fundamental that when you take something that suppresses your testosterone production (like anavar), you also use testosterone to replace your own suppressed production.
Var and test are different medications hence why they have different names. Why are you wanting to run var to bulk to begin with? Why not tbol? Run test choose a different oral. And the way you wrote hear me out and how you act with good advice makes me think you are trolling. If you know you're going to run this fked up cycle why ask for help? Run the var loose six more lbs then you can say "oooo snap.. those guys were right."
I could use a little perspective here. May I ask how old you are?
Var just isn't much of a bulker brother. And tbol is still pretty mild so I think it'd be a good starter. Var is almost exclusively used for cutting. If your thin that's going in the opposite direction of what you want my man. If you do decide to run a cycle also ask about pct it's important for recovery bro.
Would you recommend a tbol only cycle? With PCT also. How acidic is it to the liver?
Everyone is going to recommend you use injectable test. Preferably by itself, or potentially with a basic oral on top like dbol.
You can absolutely do an oral only cycle if you want, but it's not recommended.