Vegans, cholesterol and much more?


New member
I love watching the fitness channels on Youtube to learn more. Recently, vegan videos have been popping up into my video feed and all I can say right now is that it seems like a religion. If you're not vegan you're going to die and burn in hell. I understand the environmental aspects of it, and can understand why someone might go vegan for that reason. Just like someone might take a bicycle to work instead of using his car. I can understand why the animal cruelty aspect of it just like I understand why some people only eat grass fed, free range etc.

What I can't get my head around is the health aspect of it. I was hoping some of the big nutrition guys on the board (3J...ehm) could maybe chime in. I have quite a few questions but here are 2.

My cholesterol levels have dropped since going with 3J. They never were bad but they dropped even lower. I eat eggs almost every day. The vegans say that eating eggs adds way too much cholesterol to the body and that our body doesn't need that added cholesterol to function as our body produces enough and that eating eggs will dramatically increase chances of heart disease etc. They post 'studies' but I can't read into the study as well as others may. Can someone explain the basics here.

Vegans eat a high carb diet. How does someone with type 2 diabetes go from their high protein, lower carb (Complex carbs) diet to a high carb almost no protein diet and not have their diabetes dramatically worsen? It seems the 'healthy' vegans are going to get people sick by promoting this. Unless I'm reading the message wrong.

I'm an omnivore, I don't see myself ever going vegan. I have vegetarian friends but they say for them they simply don't like the taste of most meats, but they do enjoy fish and dairy. They are vegetarian because of their taste buds only. And that's expensive in this country. Relying on mostly veggies and fruit in a country where watermelon can cost 20 USD a pop is insane.
Not 3J, but I can tell you that many vegans are undernourished. Cholesterol is needed for the body in many different facets, including hormone production. In fact, there's a recent Japanese study showing how moderately high cholesterol will extend your life span MORE than a low blood pressure. ;)

I also happen to be a type 2 diabetic, and unless they're consuming extremely fiber-rich sources of carbs (like cabbage), blood sugar will definitely rise. The ONLY way I can get away from my insulin injections is by sticking with a ketogenic diet (EXTREMELY low carbs).
Vegans are a cult and I'm well aware of the bullshit, shock value videos that you speak of.

I've written long ass articles elsewhere about how the eggs and cholesterol thing but the take home point of it was this: eggs are fine, cholesterol consumption as a cause is overrated & incorrect when it comes to a variety of potential diseases.

The studies vegans use to justify their false position that eggs are unhealthy are ALWAYS association/correlation type studies & as I keep saying over & over again: association is NOT causation.
There is NO evidence that eggs cause ANY health issues in anyone, none whatsoever.

The ONLY way vegans can be healthy is if they use extensive supplementation for things like B vitamins, zinc, etc - what does that tell you?
You have to be a seriously backwards retard to claim a diet as "healthy" when it is absolutely DEPENDENT on the supplementation of certain vitamins & minerals.
(Looking at it from a purely nutritional aspect)

I welcome all input. I'm hoping that someone is vegan on this board so they can chime in as well. I'm looking at it from a purely nutritional aspect as I stated above. I don't see how this diet can be healthy for a majority of the population. The lack of sufficient protein also throws me for a loop. I don't understand how such a low amount of protein could be considered healthy when protein is the building block for every part of our body.

I wish someone without an agenda in veganism could answer the health aspects and back them up. I'm finding that hard though.
Figured id throw my opinion in on this. I was sorta seeing a vegan girl for awhile and basically if you showed her any study showing how bad her diet was for her she said the study was our government brainwashing us and that she's lived millions of life times ,so that should sum it up for ya haha
Figured id throw my opinion in on this. I was sorta seeing a vegan girl for awhile and basically if you showed her any study showing how bad her diet was for her she said the study was our government brainwashing us and that she's lived millions of life times ,so that should sum it up for ya haha

A broad that nuts HAS to be FANTASTIC in the sack though!
Shoulda been there the day she walked in my house after i separated like 10lbs of chicken and steak into 8oz baggies and had them all on the counter.she lost her shit haha
When my daughter was little (around 7), a vegetarian asked her once if it bothered her that eating meat meant an animal had to die. She looked at the vegetarian and, with a serious face she replied "I love animals, I love the way they taste." It was all I could do to not pick her up and run her out to a steakhouse. :)

Of course, this is the same girl who, around the same age, asked if she could have the steak and lobster tail combo when we went out to eat.