Very High Blood Pressure 1 mos into TRT

I have been taking Magnesium, Zinc, Vit D, and B Complex for about 2 months.

My BP just got down to an ok level. 128/79

Could having had blood taken helped?

STOP the b complex and zinc while on TRT. It jacks up HCT.
I have heard this before, I've started taking 1000mcg Vit B12 orally ED, you think it is going to make a big difference? I get a phlebotomy done every 8-12 weeks..

Sublingual Methylcobalamin B 12 is the way to go if you have no shots.
Careful with all those phlebotomies. ...
They'll deplete your iron stores.
I'd make adjustments to your doses in order to reduce or slow down HCT rises before hoping on that bi monthly donation for life program.
I have heard this before, I've started taking 1000mcg Vit B12 orally ED, you think it is going to make a big difference? I get a phlebotomy done every 8-12 weeks..

Evey twelve weeks is not bad. That's still 4 donations a year though.
See if you can bring it down to 2-3 donations a year by adjusting the Test dose.
I heard phlebotomies are not really safe either. You can have a stroke from ferritin depletion. As to how accurate this
Who knows???
Sounds psychological. Unless you are very small.

Most probably psychological thinking about it as I am 6ft and 234lbs. Seems to help the dizziness if I eat something sweet afterwards?

Reading about the B12......I have a 10ml bottle of B12 from a UGL, smells of disinfectant, is this how it is meant to smell.....Not injected any yet as don't know if it is legit, there again I have not heard or read about any fake B12 shots?
I buy mine from pharmacy. Smells sort of citus like...
I guess. I don't smell it. Just shoot it.
Sublingual Methylcobalamin B 12 is the way to go if you have no shots.
Careful with all those phlebotomies. ...
They'll deplete your iron stores....

What test do you recommend to check iron levels? Just ferritin? Serum Iron? Iron with TBIC?
UIBC too and all those you mentioned.
Mines came back all below range....anemia week after donating blood.
I only donated a couple times.
UIBC too and all those you mentioned.
Mines came back all below range....anemia week after donating blood.
I only donated a couple times.

I donated 5 WB and 7 platelets in the last year... makes me wonder where my iron levels are...
My iron is below range as well, I am curious besides the cold hands and such what other effects does low iron have on you?
My iron is below range as well, I am curious besides the cold hands and such what other effects does low iron have on you?

I read on a phlebotomy article that lowering iron too much can cause a stroke.
I'm using my phone to post here, not sure how to put a link on here without a mouse...
Just google it. Some hits will come up.
Evey twelve weeks is not bad. That's still 4 donations a year though.
See if you can bring it down to 2-3 donations a year by adjusting the Test dose.
I heard phlebotomies are not really safe either. You can have a stroke from ferritin depletion. As to how accurate this
Who knows???

I went in and it is sitting at 47%, 8 weeks ago it was at 52% (had 350ml drawn out), this was on 250mg Test+750mg Deca and some Tren... Luckily for me it just doesn't rise that rapidly. My TRT/Cruise is at 200mg now, SHBG is low enough to not warrant going any higher and it just causes more e2 problems. I'm a fan of leaving my test at that dose and throwing in other compounds.
I went in and it is sitting at 47%, 8 weeks ago it was at 52% (had 350ml drawn out), this was on 250mg Test+750mg Deca and some Tren... Luckily for me it just doesn't rise that rapidly. My TRT/Cruise is at 200mg now, SHBG is low enough to not warrant going any higher and it just causes more e2 problems. I'm a fan of leaving my test at that dose and throwing in other compounds.

Lots of gear imo....
A pint for a WB donation is 350 ml where you are?
I've heard lowering SHBG too much on TRT causes run away estradiol as well as Free T. Offcourse things will be amplified with higher doses.
Yes it was a fair bit of gear.

This wasn't a donation, this was a phlebotomoy. Doctor said we will go 350ml this time, see how much it lowers it in 8 weeks time. I have been cruising since that draw. Will be starting 200mg Test/600mg EQ(1-18)/400mg Tren (8-18) once I pick my stuff up. I should be starting it next week so we will see how things go with HCT on EQ.

SHBG has always been low even pre-TRT as has sat consistently at the bottom of the range however dropped the well-below bottom range with IMO using dbol at the time. No longer using orals, don't think I will unless it's for stage. I've read this can indicate ********* syndrome AKA type 2 diabetes onset IIRC. I'm not too sure.
Not a bad deal Staunched.
Take an aspirin pre-donation. Get it over with faster...imo.

EQ too on top of Test?
Careful man. In your case you are not over doing it with donations.
I don't know man....sounds like a lot of trouble. I gave up long time ago with high doses.
That pharm grade Test is real potent at 300 mg/week for cycles.
Not a bad deal Staunched.
Take an aspirin pre-donation. Get it over with faster...imo.

EQ too on top of Test?
Careful man. In your case you are not over doing it with donations.
I don't know man....sounds like a lot of trouble. I gave up long time ago with high doses.
That pharm grade Test is real potent at 300 mg/week for cycles.

I wouldn't really say on top of test, I leave my test at the same dosage and add in other compounds... Test just turns into e2 and gives me too many sides, yet I can run low test/high deca without much in the way of problems. 600mg EQ is the minimum I would try, I have always based my idea on everyone elses 2c which half the time on EQ these opinions aren't based on their own experiences. No doubt EQ/Tren will make my HCT rise pretty fast, but it's all under control and I honestly don't mind it getting a little high for a few months.

But yes, pharm grade test is defintetly the goods, but so should you gear be if you trust you source. In saying that 625mg of Primoteston per week was a damn good short little blast I did. I have a rule though, never to exceed 1G total not including the 200mg base test. There is simply no need to IMO, not anytime soon for me atleast.
I just weigh the pros and cons....
Personally I'm not interested in getting huge. If it comes off TRT....hey its good.
If not....who cares. More important things in life.
I use to think big, big, big mass,mass, mass in my late teens.
Now I think about real life issues.
I wanted to update this thread...

I never did find out what my T level was while on the testosterone. The blood lab didn't collect enough and the testosterone test was cancelled.

Fast forward to a few weeks later and as i recall 5-6 weeks after my last shot...

My blood pressure has been back to my normal range since of the shots.

My hematocrit is 54.2 and Test level is 290. My previous test levels were 315, 310 and 340.

My primary care doc didn't think the HCT level was high enough to be that concerned. Prior to TRT treatment my HCT level was at 47. I explained to him that I parted ways with that Urology center. He told me there were other Urologists out there. I decided I'd hold off on trying TRT again until i felt the side effects of low T became too acute to ignore.

I'm seeing a physical therapists and through a bunch of stretching and core exercises I am a LOT less sore then I used to be. I think I am borderline of being in true need of TRT.

I'm going to focus on getting very lean. Doing some 10k's in the next few months and will do a half marathon in March just before my 44th Bday. I shouldn't do deadlifts anymore and deep squats are out until I gain more flexibility. I will do stretching and core exercises instead of heavy lifting. Goal is to be down to 185 from 220 by March. That's where I was at when i was into running a few years ago.

I'll lurk here from time to time to keep up with things. I appreciate all the knowledge I've gained from this board.