Well, a bit over 1 year later I just started TRT again.
I started a business that requires me to be physically fit. I slugged through my 1st season, but dear lord was I sore on a constant basis. I mean a deep rooted muscle joint sore that foam rolling, lacross balls and professional massage barely helps.
I was taking several ibuprofen a couple times a day to get by on some days.
I finally had enough and asked my Doc to do a Testosterone test on my blood work. I expected it to come back in the low 300's which is what it had been:
4/07/14 315
4/21/14 340
8/20/14 293 (this was 5-6 weeks after stopping injections which I only did for 4 weeks)
Instead, it came back at 225.
11/2/15 225
I was very surprised by such a low number, though it explained my chronic aches and pains. The blood was drawn at 9:30am.
My diet is very clean and healthy. I eat lots of quality salads, smoothies and some meat with whey protein supplementation. I have upped my protein intake in the past with no success in helping with the severe aches.
So, I had a discussion with my Doc telling him I don't want to be Arnold Schwartzenneger, just feel healthy and not have deep rooted aches and pains on a constant basis. He understood and put in a referral to an Endocronologist. He asked me about my prior experience with the Urologist. We talked about injections vs gels, etc. I explained what I learned on here. He looked it up and he was surprised at the price difference between the gels and Test Cyp.
To my surprise, as he was walking out and we were making small talk he mentioned he put a script in for me. I was quite surprised/pleased. I suggested blood work after 1mos and he's open to blood lab suggestions.
It eneded up being Sun Pharma 100 mg/mL in a 10mL vial. He even issued 100mg twice per week on the instructions after we talked about it.
After injecting 100mg twice this week I am considering cutting my dose in half to see where that leads me after a month. I am concerned about my HCT getting too high again. My HCT seems to normally run fairly high:
47.7 (Before TRT) 51.8 (few days after last shot) 54.4 (5-6weeks after last shot) 47.9 (Just a few days ago) .
I cannot easily donate blood due to chemotherapy destroying my veins. Red Cross requires inner arm and large needle for volume. I need a “butterfly” needle when I give blood. Required a medi-port to complete chemo (22yrs ago).
Trying to be proactive, I am thinking of ways to keep HCT down if I can’t use Red Cross. Hopefully, my Doc can issue a Therapeutic Phlebotomy, which I can use at the lab that draws my blood. OR get some blood test that requires the largest volume of blood when I get my labs done every month or two?
My blood pressure which became an issue if you look at the beginning of this thread has been excellent. 120/70 or thereabouts while being on Amlodipine 5 / Valsartan 320 daily.
I’d rather avoid having a high HCT in the first place, so my thought was to be more conservative in Test Cyp dosage. Unfortunately, I have no idea where 100mg twice a week will put me since the lab didn’t draw enough blood to process my testosterone test last year while I was on TRT for 4 weeks.
The Endocrinologist office hasn’t even called me yet, but I see on our electronic “chart” that I have an appointment for 2/16/15.
By coincidence, a Men’s Wellness Center opened another office in the area down the block from my Dr’s office. There is a $99 initial consultation fee. I may cover my bases and see what they are about. If anything it would be nice to talk to a Doc well versed and experienced in TRT.
I intend to make TRT work for me this time as the symptoms of low Testosterone have become unbearable for me.