vial broke, cant finish cycle..what should i do?


New member
HEy guys. I am on a cycle of AML test prop, 350 mg a week. one of my vials broke, so my cycle is only going to be 4 weeks long, max. I am extremely bummed out. I don't have access to other sources(as I have been holding onto these vials for 2 years, waiting for the right moment to take them), but I don't want to end a cycle that is just starting to go well. (on my 2nd week).

fyi..pct is Nolva and clomid, in the proper doses. I am also taking exemestane on cycle, in the proper doses. I have HCG, but it would be a waste to take it with only a 4 week cycle of test prop. and I feel I am kind of wasting my time with this cycle as well, with the loss of gear.

Since I have no other test sources to buy from, to extend it further. so...would running a strong Pro hormone, or a Sarm like S4 or ostarine, (with the HCG), at the tail end of my test prop cycle, to extend my cycle, be a good idea? can I do this? I am not a fan of PHs, but I want to keep making gains, as I have a solid diet plan laid out already and what not, and I recently moved to a new city, with no friends, so I have lots of spare time to spend in the gym

or...Should I just run the 4 weeks of prop and do pct?

or...SHould i just end the test prop now on the second week, before I reach any nut atrophy or test suppression at all, and do a half pct?

your thoughts please? what should I do?
HEy guys. I am on a cycle of AML test prop, 350 mg a week. one of my vials broke, so my cycle is only going to be 4 weeks long, max. I am extremely bummed out. I don't have access to other sources(as I have been holding onto these vials for 2 years, waiting for the right moment to take them), but I don't want to end a cycle that is just starting to go well. (on my 2nd week).

fyi..pct is Nolva and clomid, in the proper doses. I am also taking exemestane on cycle, in the proper doses. I have HCG, but it would be a waste to take it with only a 4 week cycle of test prop. and I feel I am kind of wasting my time with this cycle as well, with the loss of gear.

Since I have no other test sources to buy from, to extend it further. so...would running a strong Pro hormone, or a Sarm like S4 or ostarine, (with the HCG), at the tail end of my test prop cycle, to extend my cycle, be a good idea? can I do this? I am not a fan of PHs, but I want to keep making gains, as I have a solid diet plan laid out already and what not, and I recently moved to a new city, with no friends, so I have lots of spare time to spend in the gym

or...Should I just run the 4 weeks of prop and do pct?

or...SHould i just end the test prop now on the second week, before I reach any nut atrophy or test suppression at all, and do a half pct?

your thoughts please? what should I do?

I would do the 4 weeks and order some lgd and osta. I would rune the lgd and osta together and continue the osta through pct but drop it to like 10mg so it does not further supress anything. I would just order more test its cheap honestly as well as some osta and lgd. If you order the test now you can have it at your place in rite on two weeks.
I would do the 4 weeks and order some lgd and osta. I would rune the lgd and osta together and continue the osta through pct but drop it to like 10mg so it does not further supress anything. I would just order more test its cheap honestly as well as some osta and lgd. If you order the test now you can have it at your place in rite on two weeks.

ordering test is not an option for me, as I have no local friends or sources. I will look into the lgd and osta though, thanks!
I would do the 4 weeks and order some lgd and osta. I would rune the lgd and osta together and continue the osta through pct but drop it to like 10mg so it does not further supress anything. I would just order more test its cheap honestly as well as some osta and lgd. If you order the test now you can have it at your place in rite on two weeks.

^ Horrible advice, you should never, ever run anything suppressive during PCT. That includes SARMs. I would hesitate to come off test and then run them as well, given that your body will attempt to recover (but not very well.)

If you can't get any more test, I would just run out the four weeks and do a full & proper PCT. Then get all your vials sorted for your next cycle.. the bonus here is you won't have to wait very long to start your next 'real' cycle. Time on + pct = time off, so in your case your only looking at around 8-10 weeks. Just have everything sorted before hand, and be careful with your vials! :)
I don't even see the point in a 4 Week cycle - I would just cut my losses and do PCT and plan for another cycle when you can get all your gear in order. Just my opinion
Oh gyno puff... Your really making a name for yourself around here. I'm not sure how u can give advice when u need it the most...
HEy guys. I am on a cycle of AML test prop, 350 mg a week. one of my vials broke, so my cycle is only going to be 4 weeks long, max. I am extremely bummed out. I don't have access to other sources(as I have been holding onto these vials for 2 years, waiting for the right moment to take them), but I don't want to end a cycle that is just starting to go well. (on my 2nd week).

fyi..pct is Nolva and clomid, in the proper doses. I am also taking exemestane on cycle, in the proper doses. I have HCG, but it would be a waste to take it with only a 4 week cycle of test prop. and I feel I am kind of wasting my time with this cycle as well, with the loss of gear.

Since I have no other test sources to buy from, to extend it further. so...would running a strong Pro hormone, or a Sarm like S4 or ostarine, (with the HCG), at the tail end of my test prop cycle, to extend my cycle, be a good idea? can I do this? I am not a fan of PHs, but I want to keep making gains, as I have a solid diet plan laid out already and what not, and I recently moved to a new city, with no friends, so I have lots of spare time to spend in the gym

or...Should I just run the 4 weeks of prop and do pct?

or...SHould i just end the test prop now on the second week, before I reach any nut atrophy or test suppression at all, and do a half pct?

your thoughts please? what should I do?

just curiously, how are you running AML gear yet can't order more AML gear?
Order more. And for future ref. ALWAYS have a couple extra vials on hand in case of situations like this. And, a 4 week cycle, way too short even for Prop.
I don't even see the point in a 4 Week cycle - I would just cut my losses and do PCT and plan for another cycle when you can get all your gear in order. Just my opinion

As much as I don't want to stop..I am taking this path.

instead of taking my next prop shot today, I am beginning PCT.

If I only did prop for 2 long should I run the PCT for? not the full four weeks? maybe 3..or 2 weeks instead?

additionally,I already started dosing Nolva 4 days ago(at 40mg a day), because my exemestane was under dosed (was taking 12.4 EOD) and started getting itchy/sensitive nips) So past 4 days days I have taken nolva at 40 a day, exemstane at 25mg a day. Additionally, as state before, I have clomid on hand. My balls are still normal sized, so I wont bother with the HCG.

How should I proceed with pct? after just 2 weeks of prop? I was thinking
40/20/ nolva
80/40 clomid
one more week of exemestane at 25mg a day?
That sucks man... 4 wks isn't worth it. you really don't have a source bro? You are in no way a newbie, but this just seems like a newbie post---> you saved these 2 vials of prop for 2 years for the right moment lol?
not a newb. just had an 8 week test prop cycle that I was saving, that I was waiting till time was right, given my life situation(time,money, resources). I was in grad school, was poor, wasnt eating right, too busy, and would not have been on point. now i have money, time, and a solid fucking plan to bulk up.

also, change of plan. got a source - switching to PSL test E (500mg a week), once I receive, in 5-8 days? in the mean time, I am going to drop my test prop to trt levels..50mg EOD..and cruise that for 4 weeks until the test E is started and has kicked in which I will for run 10 more weeks.

(will also be running igf1, npp, and hcg, but thats a diff story)
I can update the logistics later, but I doubt anyone is really interested.

however.. the help and advice is much appreciated everyone. and thanks to the well-repped people who PMED me
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Dude look around. Find a friggin source. A domestic source that will get you gear in 3 days. All it seems like youve done by cancelling your cycle now is wasted time and money and probably a shutdown hpta. PM me and i will guide you if you wish.
not a newb. just had an 8 week test prop cycle that I was saving, that I was waiting till time was right, given my life situation(time,money, resources). I was in grad school, was poor, wasnt eating right, too busy, and would not have been on point. now i have money, time, and a solid fucking plan to bulk up.

also, change of plan. got a source - switching to PSL test E (500mg a week), once I receive, in 5-8 days? in the mean time, I am going to drop my test prop to trt levels..50mg EOD..and cruise that for 4 weeks until the test E is started and has kicked in which I will for run 10 more weeks.

(will also be running igf1, npp, and hcg, but thats a diff story)
I can update the logistics later, but I doubt anyone is really interested.

however.. the help and advice is much appreciated everyone. and thanks to the well-repped people who PMED me

Clear your PM's. Incoming.
Your Aromasin probably isn't underdosed you were taking it incorrectly. Aromasin should be taken every day not every other day.
yeah if you plan on cycling you should always have extra testosterone on hand. There is nothing worse than having to scurry around and find sources and try to get by on trt dosages. It's not the trt dosages that sucks its the fact that your hormone levels are going up and down like crazy.
That sucks man... 4 wks isn't worth it. you really don't have a source bro? You are in no way a newbie, but this just seems like a newbie post---> you saved these 2 vials of prop for 2 years for the right moment lol?

I agree with Lucillex, this sounds kind of pathetic. No trying to cut you down OP, but you absolutely cannot find a source and you've been bodybuilding or at least on this board since 2005.