Virgin Cycle


New member
Hey all, Im new here to the forums, and new to the world of steroids as well (all though i do have friends that use). This will be my first cycle ever, and I just have a few questions for you all.
Ill begin with my stats first.
27 years old
5'8 (no shoes)
148 lbs.
BMI - 19.8
BF - 11%

My metabolism is just ridiculous. Anyways, for my first cycle, a couple of my friends recommended that I start off with Test Cypionate. And that I begin with 2 pins a week for 12 weeks with a 23g 1in pin in my glute at 200mg per pin. My goal isn't to get crazy huge. I have been asking about other things to counteract any side effects i might have just as a precautionary measure, but they all said ill be fine with just the test cyp, and then a solid pct afterwards. One that was mentioned to me was tribulus. Just wondering if you guys had any input as well. Like I said I'm new to all this, and I'm trying to gather as much information from many different avenues as possible, so that I can make a better informed decision.
Any info i could get would be great.

Weeks 1-12 will be test cyp 200mg per pin twice a week.
Weeks 14-19 will be Clomid 50mg/Aromasin 25mg
Weeks 1-19 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
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The Virgin Money Cyclone Festival of Cycling was created to meet the demands of those who want to be part of this cycling revolution and is now one of the Premier Cycling Festivals in the UK. For 2013 it has been increased to a 4 day festival to meet the needs of all ages and abilities.

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Drop the cyp. Pick up Test E at 500mg a week. Keep pct as is. You'll be fine. I am however concerned with your weight at 148lbs. I don***8217;t think you eat enough as it is. Your "fast metabolism" is just an excuse. Period.