vitamin c

yes its safe, but I'd question weather its actually the intended use. 50-60g of C in a IV is not uncommon for some high level athletes after a game or intense training, the boddy can take it, its just the stomach with pills will get upset and send it running out the other the way wait a bit after training like 2 hours to take c it could hamper your gains instead of help.
We've discussed this some in the chemical section.

First off, it's not the ascorbic acid you get at the store, the body apparently wouldn't be able to handle the amounts they inject when they do this, it's sodium ascorbate. And it appears as if they also use some type of buffering agent like calcium carbonate as well. It's done via an i.v. drip. However, it looks like poliquin advises injecting this directly into the muscle that is about to be worked.

Anyways, the benefits are that the vitamin c either stimulates, or makes available more hydrogen peroxide in the body than normal, and in turn, the hyd. peroxide is able to eliminate any cancer or tumors that are in your body. It also appears that there are quite a number of people who are taking hydrogen peroxide in various ways and they seem to get this same effect, with one guy who had prostate cancer declining chemotherapy in his 70's to just take more hydrogen peroxide than he was initially taking, and in 6 months he said he was cured.

Was he really able to do this? Who knows, but it certainly has me interested in it.

Also, you might want to look into injectable carnosine, which it looks like poliquin is playing with as well.

If you find more out about it, come back and post, because this stuff is pretty cutting edge.
truck said:
by the way wait a bit after training like 2 hours to take c it could hamper your gains instead of help.

Why? I've heard this before, but nobody remembers why they heard it was bad. I'm curious to know why.
i dont think vit c generates H2O2, thats a powerful free would cause cellular damage. Not specifically to tumor cells either.
Warmachine said:
i dont think vit c generates H2O2, thats a powerful free would cause cellular damage. Not specifically to tumor cells either.

Here is the link:

Sept. 12, 2005 -- Vitamin C may have some cancer-fighting potential, new research shows.

About the Study

Levine's team studied vitamin C (also called ascorbate or ascorbic acid) and cancer cells in lab tests. Vitamin C appeared to boost production of hydrogen peroxide, which killed cancer cells and left healthy cells unharmed.

The levels of vitamin C were so high that they could only be achieved through IV infusions.

"These findings give plausibility to IV ascorbic acid in cancer treatment, and have unexpected implications for treatment of infections where hydrogen peroxide may be beneficial," write the researchers.

Vitamin C's Role

Vitamin C didn't directly tackle cancer. Instead, it may set the stage for hydrogen peroxide production, says Levine.

"One would never want to give intravenous hydrogen peroxide," says Levine.

"If hydrogen peroxide formed in the blood or were given directly, either blood will destroy it or if enough hydrogen peroxide is given, hydrogen peroxide will break the red cells and cause havoc to the kidneys," he says.

When vitamin C is injected, it appears to diffuse outside of the bloodstream, allowing reactions to generate hydrogen peroxide.

"You don't want hydrogen peroxide in the blood itself," says Levine. "But if hydrogen peroxide is present outside the blood, there is the potential that it could work as a drug."
ya I was just going by what I've heard, haven't got the scientific facts. Just from someone who was into supplaments and was a pro athlete, thats what they advised, but deffinately vit c and e are a must through out the day.