Vitamins dont work


I saw on the news that Vitamine pills only work in theory on paper in studies but in real life they give very very little effect or none at all and vitamins like E can infact be bad for your heart ,well many vitamins/minerals can be bad for you if you take to much but anyways this was publiced in some medical juornal thats highly regarded in the medical community..
IMO its best to eat alot of fruit because natural vitamins are the best vitamins
bmass said:
IMO its best to eat alot of fruit because natural vitamins are the best vitamins

IMO it's best to stay away from doctors. The longer you can stay away from doctors, the better off you'll be. I'm not joking.
And another thing...when I take vitamins, I don't get sick. When I stop taking vitamins, I tend to get sick easier or get some kind of lingering crap. Hmmm, I wonder why doctors would want us to stop taking something that would keep us out of the doctor's office?
TxLonghorn said:
And another thing...when I take vitamins, I don't get sick. When I stop taking vitamins, I tend to get sick easier or get some kind of lingering crap. Hmmm, I wonder why doctors would want us to stop taking something that would keep us out of the doctor's office?
...and did you know we have a cure for cancer, but we won't release it because it would mean the medical community would loose too much money? PS I'm making fun of your dumbass remark.

Anyway, the human body REQUIRES vitamins and minerals for proper health. That said, we get vitamins and minerals from the food we eat. But a good multivitamin is just common sense in my book.
mranak said:
...and did you know we have a cure for cancer, but we won't release it because it would mean the medical community would loose too much money? PS I'm making fun of your dumbass remark.
its not a dumbass remark. Think about it. When do you go to the doctor? When your sick. Instead of getting sick, and going to the doctor so they can play guessing games by listening to your symptoms and prescribing a drug, why not simply not get sick in the first place by eating right. Seems simple enough to me.

Doctors diagnose, they generally dont prevent. Why let there be a problem to diagnose in the first place.

Before i started working out, i ate like shit. I had allergies and got sick all the time. Now that I eat right my allergies went away and i dont get sick. What purpose do doctors serve me in regards to illness?
Suareezay said:
Doctors diagnose, they generally dont prevent.
False. I'll use myself as an example. I had high blood pressure. High blood pressure doesn't directly cause me any problems. But my physician wants to prevent me from having a heart attack 30+ years down the road. So he put me on blood pressure meds.

I've had high cholesterol. Again, this causes no apparent symptoms or problems. But my physician has given me meds, because we wish to prevent heart disease many years down the road.

I have asthma, but it usually isn't a problem. But when it gets bad, it gets bad. So what do we do? We prevent it from getting bad in the first place, but using preventive treatments.

To make claim that physicians purposely don't work to prevent disease is just bullshit. Regarding the vitamin thing, opinions and perspectives vary. As an example, I know of a physicians that insisted that all the children he saw took vitamins each and every day. Years later, some parents brought their second child to him and he didn't even make mention of vitamins for this child. They asked him why he didn't mention it. And he responded that he didn't see any differences between the children that did and did not take vitamins. And he has a good point, although I disagree with his conclusion.

Many people claim that vitamins prevent them from getting sick, but clinical studies have failed to show this.
its a hard study to do. There are so many factors.

you'd have to consider diet, sleep patterns, gentics, stress, environmental factors, allergies, past injuries/health problems, water consumption, working conditions, and more.

How would you measure germ exposure? if thats even a factor... :|

but even if vitamins help 1.0%, thats a lot imo.

I try to take them with fruits or veggies. I heard it helps absorbtion, who knows.
that great, but what im saying is you should avoid problems in the first place, not let problems crop up and then have a doctor fix them. If youre born with asthma then youre SOL.
mranak said:
I've had high cholesterol. Again, this causes no apparent symptoms or problems. But my physician has given me meds, because we wish to prevent heart disease many years down the road.

See, things like this is where I have a problem with doctors. I don't see how zero cholesterol is something to strive for, and yet doctors do. I think statin drugs are dangerous, and yet doctors pass them out like candy. Eggs are bad for you, eggs are good for you, no they're bad for you, no wait...

I still say stay away from doctors as long as you can. I don't think doctors have cures that they aren't releasing to the public, they aren't that smart. We just don't know enough about the human body at this point.

Hell, we can't even agree on what is the best way to workout to increase muscle mass. And shouldn't that be a relatively simple thing to do?
TxLonghorn said:
See, things like this is where I have a problem with doctors. I don't see how zero cholesterol is something to strive for, and yet doctors do. I think statin drugs are dangerous, and yet doctors pass them out like candy. Eggs are bad for you, eggs are good for you, no they're bad for you, no wait...

I still say stay away from doctors as long as you can. I don't think doctors have cures that they aren't releasing to the public, they aren't that smart. We just don't know enough about the human body at this point.

Took long enough to get your attention.
TxLonghorn said:
Hell, we can't even agree on what is the best way to workout to increase muscle mass. And shouldn't that be a relatively simple thing to do?
Exactly, and as such, different physicians see things differently as well. For example, there are physicians on both sides of the fence when it comes to statin therapy. My physician was hesitant, but he respects my wishes to be on statin therapy.

I also strongly agree with you that there is so much that we don't understand about the human body. It is an amazing thing, really and part of the reason why I'm considering medical school ... medical school is perhaps the best 'starting point' to our quest to find out more about how the human body works.
getfitdoc said:
its a hard study to do. There are so many factors.

you'd have to consider diet, sleep patterns, gentics, stress, environmental factors, allergies, past injuries/health problems, water consumption, working conditions, and more.

How would you measure germ exposure? if thats even a factor... :|

but even if vitamins help 1.0%, thats a lot imo.

I try to take them with fruits or veggies. I heard it helps absorbtion, who knows.
You don't have to consider any of those variables when doing a study. Instead, you do a double-blind, placebo-controlled study with an appropriate population sample.

When they talk aboit vitamins and vegatables and absorption, I think they mean that the vitamins already in the vegatables get absorbed better.

Anyway, I strongly recommend a multivitamin for people, although I must confess that I've been dragging my feet in buying them for myself.
Just going to the doctor's office will probably get you sick. Waiting in the waiting room only to be subjected to people hacking up a lung all around you and little kids whipping there snot all over the chair handles, only to be seen by a doctor who is in a hurry because he/she has a hundred other people to see and wants to get off early to play golf. So they ask you, "what do you think it is", and then I say "I don't know, you are the doctor, you tell me". Then they say "well I think it is this, take these magic pills for a few weeks and call me if it gets worse. I do agree to see a doctor if something super serious is wrong, but besides that I wouldn't go either.

Do you know why???

Because insurance does not pay for preventive medicine. I have several relatives that are in the medical community (orthopedic, family, ect -) they would tell you the same.
DirkMoneyshot said:

Do you know why???

Because insurance does not pay for preventive medicine. I have several relatives that are in the medical community (orthopedic, family, ect -) they would tell you the same.

what about in countries where insurance does not pay the patient does its still the same
bmass said:
I saw on the news that Vitamine pills only work in theory on paper in studies

Yeaaa I saw that too. The news is very informing.

You also see that story on how weight lifting is bad for growth, steroids are deadly, and protein powder is bad for your liver?

Man, thank God for the news. Where would we be without them
Maxgain said:
what about in countries where insurance does not pay the patient does its still the same

I don't have knowledge of other countries just the US.

I've explained this before, based on the way a doctor codes his diagnoses the more or less he'll get paid. Its all about the $$$
I heard somewhere that cafefine can make vit and mins also most supplements inactive if taken in high dosage!

True!False! can anyone confirm!
Of course doctors work on commission. Everytime a doctor (providing they sign for it) prescribes a medication for a patient a doctor recieves a kickback. Pharmaceutical reps have done amazing things to the medical community. Another truth, most doctors prescribe drugs to treat symptoms not actually cure whatever said ailment may be. Going back to multiple vitamin supplements... there is a such thing as a good brand and bad brand to purchase. Do some research... find your self a vegeterian based vitamin. Most brands such as cheap store brands use alot of synthetic fillers and binders that your body cannot break down. Finally, never change your feelings on a subject because of ONE clinical/statistical study. Go with the mass majority. It's very common for doctor to publish a study for press purposes. It has happened many times in the past.

PS caffeine will inhibit the absorption of water soluble vitamins due to the mild diuretic effect caffeine will provide and certain minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron.