Walnut Oil


Community Veteran
I still want to keep using my 25g stuff but its becoming tougher lately with thick stuff.

So, refined or unrefined? Walnut oil looks to be "teh shit" for health and ease of injection.

Anyone have a favorite place to get it from? I am digging around right now for it.
I just used Walunt oil to do a recent Test Enan conversion. Turned out nice, its very light colored, and thin too.
bleachcola said:
I've found grapeseed to be quite viscous.

I think walnut would be a little more healthfull but I've seen some info on both to support them being in part good for you. I will see what I can find, I dont need a lot at the moment just enough to get 10 grams of test suspended :)
Oil Viscosity (mm2/s)

Castor 297.0
Corn 34.9
Cottonseed 33.5
Crambe 53.6
Linseed 27.2
Peanut 39.6
Grapeseed 37.0
Safflower 31.3
High-Oleic Safflower 41.2
Sesame 35.3
Soybean 32.6
Sunflower 37.1
So, most of those are clustered in a pretty close range, I doubt if anyone could tell much difference between 31.3 mm2/s and 41.2 mm2/s.
Well remember that viscosity is a function of temperature. So the above info doesnt really translate into much if you heat your gear before injecting/filtering or whatever.

Those are the values of kinematic viscosity which is pretty much the time it takes for a certain amount of oil to flow through a capillary tube under the force of gravity...I dont know if that helps anyone but it sure did make me sound smart right?