I started TRT in September. I get 250mg T-enantate every 2-3 weeks. That's the best I can get cause my endo is conservative
and will not try out anything "out of the book". But that's not the problem here.
Actually since starting the injections I noticed some changes. I get more morning woods. But other than that I cannot feel that I "feel" having more T.
I do NOT get any mood swings which surprises me. I do not feel the highs. I'm not sure if this is normal. I also had my T levels checked after 7 days where they are supposed to peak and my level was at the top of the normal range but not above it. But from what I read in books the level should be above the normal range when it peaks. My E2 is around 25 which is okay, it's similar to my E2 before going on TRT so it doesn't seem to go up.
BUT the big problem is my balls. They have shrunk dramatically and I feel like I cannot just sit there and watch. They are very small and soft and the scrotum is tight nearly all the time. I asked my endo about adding hcg and he said no.
I'm considering adding hcg on my own but I have a few uncertainties. I hope that the people here can help me.
1) How safe is hcg? Does it have any major side effects or drug interactions? (I'm also on Cymbalta (antidepressant))
2) Is using hcg dangerous for the testicles? I read that it can desensitize the Leydig cells. Is this also the case when using low doses of HCG?
3) How likely is it that HCG would raise my E2? If I also needed to add an AI then this would be a problem because of the costs and also because I want to avoid taking too many drugs because of possible drug-drug interactions.
4) I already looked online and there are 5000 IU vials available. Do you know how long they keep fresh in the fridge? If I wanted to inject 250 IU every other day then a vial needed to stay fresh approximatively 6 weeks.
5) Would I have to keep injecting HCG constantly forever? Or could I also cycle it in order to make the tests blow up a bit and then wait until they shrivel up again and then start a new cycle?
I started TRT in September. I get 250mg T-enantate every 2-3 weeks. That's the best I can get cause my endo is conservative
and will not try out anything "out of the book". But that's not the problem here.
Actually since starting the injections I noticed some changes. I get more morning woods. But other than that I cannot feel that I "feel" having more T.
I do NOT get any mood swings which surprises me. I do not feel the highs. I'm not sure if this is normal. I also had my T levels checked after 7 days where they are supposed to peak and my level was at the top of the normal range but not above it. But from what I read in books the level should be above the normal range when it peaks. My E2 is around 25 which is okay, it's similar to my E2 before going on TRT so it doesn't seem to go up.
BUT the big problem is my balls. They have shrunk dramatically and I feel like I cannot just sit there and watch. They are very small and soft and the scrotum is tight nearly all the time. I asked my endo about adding hcg and he said no.
I'm considering adding hcg on my own but I have a few uncertainties. I hope that the people here can help me.
1) How safe is hcg? Does it have any major side effects or drug interactions? (I'm also on Cymbalta (antidepressant))
2) Is using hcg dangerous for the testicles? I read that it can desensitize the Leydig cells. Is this also the case when using low doses of HCG?
3) How likely is it that HCG would raise my E2? If I also needed to add an AI then this would be a problem because of the costs and also because I want to avoid taking too many drugs because of possible drug-drug interactions.
4) I already looked online and there are 5000 IU vials available. Do you know how long they keep fresh in the fridge? If I wanted to inject 250 IU every other day then a vial needed to stay fresh approximatively 6 weeks.
5) Would I have to keep injecting HCG constantly forever? Or could I also cycle it in order to make the tests blow up a bit and then wait until they shrivel up again and then start a new cycle?