want to go "on" again but 1st cycle left me scared!

C Murda

New member
ok i was on a Anadrol/Test E 12 week cycle 500 mg/week test and 20 days of 40mg a day Anadrol for first 20 days... everything was going fine i didnt notice any major side effect at all EXCEPT for when i began to come off! now im aware i may have been doing a few things wrong.... i had started my post cycle therapy (pct) just 5 days after my last inject which was clomid and nolva one tablet each every day. at the time i wasnt on any type of liver protect regime which i probably should have... anyways i quickly began to break out with acne on my back chest and shoulders... it got BAD like ive never had acne before and this was horrible. also later on my gf noticed my breath began to smell like mothballs which was not coming from my mouth but from down inside my lungs/throat... something was wrong and in doing some research i had learned that it could have been signs of an overly toxic liver which in turn my body could have been pushing out the toxins through my pores where i would sweat the most therefore leaving me with acne...

anyways it took 6 months for all that shit to go away after taking milk thistle and a bunch of other liver health stuff. my question is WHAT was it that could have made me break out??? is it normal for these side effects to come when you are on your PCT? if it was the test shouldnt it have come while i was on?? is acne a possible side effect of nolvadex? or could it have just been the combination of it all and me not taking any liver protections stuff while i was on cycle??

sorry for the long read!
Well first off you wasted a shit ton of post cycle therapy (pct) gear. Ance is an often side with aas. You have high test and constant sweating. Tanning often works.

Pct on test e should not even start untill two weeks after last injection not five days. Two weeks after is even a guess. Pct gear does not start to work untill test levels drop below a certain level. Maybe a little more research would've helped out. In post cycle therapy (pct) serms help with the spike of estrogen when your test drops. Some say even two weeks after last pin is a little early to start serms.
The reason it took so long is you didn't run a proper post cycle therapy (pct) and your most likely ran a week or two tops of post cycle therapy (pct) gear. If you would've ran a full and proper post cycle therapy (pct) it may of not been 6 months.

BigHerm knows his shit. Plan better PCT.

Also I wouldn't of recommend A bombs for a first cycle. What lab were they? Why don't you just try some test ?and if you really need an oral maybe Anavar (var) in moderate dose
You should go to the "Anabolic Steroid" section of this forum and read every single page of a thread that's a sticky called "standard PCT's by THE-DET-OAK. LOTS of great info in that thread.
Yeah x2 on the BigHerm.You def didnt do the necessary research to start any cycle. Wether ur doing orals or not its always a good idea to get on Liv52, milk thistle something like Lipid Stabil b4 even starting the cycle.
It might help too to do 500iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x/wk. after last pin and b4 pct, brings the boys home nicely
ya i definitely understand what i did wrong. my only concern is WILL this (acne) happen again? or could it have been avoidable had i done things right? like i asked earlier is it common for the break out to happen post cycle?
Depends on your body man but maybe step it down to just 500 test e per week and start a low does SARM eod to keep the estrogen in check.
i started breaking out at the end of a test c cycle a few years back, i laid out in the sun, and took a shower after sweaty activities (working out, work ect) seemed to help. it was all gone before post cycle therapy (pct) was over with.
I gotta figure something out cause it was so bad. I'm a hard gainer and I got 26 lbs out of my first cycle and at the end i would not take my shirt off it was so embarrassing...and it wasnt fully cleared till 6 months later...
I gotta figure something out cause it was so bad. I'm a hard gainer and I got 26 lbs out of my first cycle and at the end i would not take my shirt off it was so embarrassing...and it wasnt fully cleared till 6 months later...

How much of ur 26lbs did you successfully hold on to?
First off. I know a few people who've taken Abombs and have gotten serious acne but they were on it for a long time and since Abombs are extremely toxic to the liver you should only use them for no more than 4-6 weeks IMO correct me if im wrong. But as far as what the other guys are saying u should wait about 2 weeks after you last pin with test e to start post cycle therapy (pct). To me it just seems like you put too much toxicity in your body which might be why you are seeing all of these negative sides.
First off. I know a few people who've taken Abombs and have gotten serious acne but they were on it for a long time and since Abombs are extremely toxic to the liver you should only use them for no more than 4-6 weeks IMO correct me if im wrong. But as far as what the other guys are saying u should wait about 2 weeks after you last pin with test e to start post cycle therapy (pct). To me it just seems like you put too much toxicity in your body which might be why you are seeing all of these negative sides.

ya i like to hope that was the problem as i didnt do any type of liver protection like i should have. i also only did the A bombs for 2 maybe 3 weeks (dont remember it was a year ago to this date)

i dont know whats gonna be harder deciding whether or not to go back on or finding a new and reliable source as i am no longer in contact with my previous local source. :bawling:
How much of ur 26lbs did you successfully hold on to?

to be honest i maintained the weight for a month after then i was involved in a motorcycle accident which broke my back in 3 places, cracked a rib and separated my shoulder... all that along with the depression of all that body acne i was getting i then lost pretty much everything! but i do have to note i have an EXTREMELY fast metabolism like cant gain a lb for the life of me and i am a hard gainer.. to top it all off not being able to work out because of the accident then being out of work for months and not affording all the food and shit i need to eat i guess its pretty much expected to for ME to lose it all...:sadwavey:

while on i was eating double my weight in protein and had to try and put down at least 5000 calories a day in order for me to put on some weight
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First off. I know a few people who've taken Abombs and have gotten serious acne but they were on it for a long time and since Abombs are extremely toxic to the liver you should only use them for no more than 4-6 weeks IMO correct me if im wrong. But as far as what the other guys are saying u should wait about 2 weeks after you last pin with test e to start post cycle therapy (pct). To me it just seems like you put too much toxicity in your body which might be why you are seeing all of these negative sides.

yeah that's what I'm saying about a bombs being bad for a first cycle.

try sticking with test and a good ai/pct work your self to other gear once u can master a simple cycle and your body stops getting results with less. simple 1st or 2nd test cycle run peoperly can do wonders.
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