Want To Quite Cycle After 5 Days (Told To Move Topic Here Please Help I Am Very Conce


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I am a 28 year old male who has been weightlifting for one year. My goal is to gain 15lbs of lean muscle however the biggest problem I have is gaining the weight and the muscle.

As a result I have decided to take a pro hormone but ONLY temporarily. I am currently stacking tren and Epiboline however I am only doing 30g of Epi and not the full dose. For my post cycle therapy (pct) I am using JEM test Complete. After 5 days I have decided to quit taking these due to the long term effects.

Is there anything I should do or take? Please help.
after only 5 days, you should be fine. Honestly, real steroids need even more time to shut you down.
you will be fine bro without pct
about your weight problem don't give up and keep pushing as good diet and exercises will do the job!
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after only 5 days, you should be fine. Honestly, real steroids need even more time to shut you down.
you will be fine bro without pct
about your weight problem don't give up and keep pushing as good diet and exercises will do the job!

Thanks bro for replying.

I have had zero side effects but I am worried about the effects once I go past one week. Even though this cycle is temporary I am very paranoid.

I also take fish and flax oil, grape seed, and biotin and milk thistle.
Just try to eat more calories bro. Calculate your BMR/TDEE. Then know how many calories you need to grow. STUFF YOUR FACE LOL
Thanks bro for replying.

I have had zero side effects but I am worried about the effects once I go past one week. Even though this cycle is temporary I am very paranoid.

I also take fish and flax oil, grape seed, and biotin and milk thistle.

After you reach certain point when you body stops growing, there is a choice you will have to make, yet you still have time before it. Meanwhile try to educate yourself in this area, because people , I'm not talking directly about you, have tendency to be afraid of everything what is unknown for them. Read about it and study and after some time you will be like an expert yourself laughing from small things you had been so afraid of before.
I appreciate everybody commenting.

Before doing this cycle I weighed the pros and cons because this was going to be a temporary cycle. Once I got the gains then my goal was to maintain and not go back on this. But after reading about peoples review on this cycle I am scared.

There is no doubt that this is working but at what cost.
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You should be fine stopping the cycle without anything. Focus on your diet. Check out the nutritionist here - 3j. Lots of guys work with him. Building lean mass takes time, but it all starts with diet.