was my gear fake? cycle story...


New member
i just did my first cycle

500mg/week of Test E, kick started with Test P
adex was my Aromatase inhibitor (AI), taken .25mg EOD

I started at 5'11 185lbs and gained about 16lbs with little water retention

i experienced pretty bad chest acne on cycle

i'm now starting week 4 of post cycle therapy (pct) (nolva 40/40/20/20)

I broke out pretty bad on my face during post cycle therapy (pct) but I haven't lost ANY of my gains.

and i still feel the same as I did on cycle (although slight depression was felt at the start of post cycle therapy (pct))

could my gear have been fake or am I just lucky?
your gear wasn't fake and you're not lucky red-face.
If you had no gains then I'd consider your gear being fake. But you can tell whether your gears fake within the first couple weeks tops for most gear by a knot occurring in the spot of inject. Be sure to inject properly
I dont know how much you expected to gain 16 lbs isnt bad.
If you were at a plateau and close to your genetic limit and your age was past the point were your body is still growing natty,I'd be happy with 16 pounds.
would you guys say taht getting alot of water weight is one of the quickest ways to tell if youre gear is actually gear? im a noob so take it easy lol
Its not ideal but yes...water retention is caused by aromatation estrogenic sides.
So yes if you were quickly holding alot of water your gear is prolly the reason this is happening and is real.
your gear wasn't fake and you're not lucky red-face.

Hahaha thats awesome kane!!
Those are pretty nice gains. too many people expect to just become this monster off of their first cycle. that doesnt happen. thats why you hear people say its 5-10 percent gear, rest diet and lifting. Your my friend are prime example of this. Keep going at it hard. Lift proper and heavy and you will be on the right track. nothing happens over a period of a day. be patient, juicing speeds it up for you and helps your break platues. hope this helps you a little.