Watch my oral winny settle out!!!


New member
This really pisses me off, so I thought you might enjoy watching it settle out with me. Its 75mg/ml made up with 151, and yes i KNOW its not supposed to hold...that was never my intent. But this stuff comes out of an even suspension immediately. Within seconds a proper dosage is not possible.


Ordered some peg, ill leave 151 for getting girls too drunk to know what hit em :eek:
My Winstrol (winny) in 151 crashes all the time too.

I made it at 50mg/ml and all the powder sits at the bottom in big crystals. I then decided to dilute it down to 25mg/ml and it does the same thing.

Next time I make Winstrol (winny) I am either capping it, or using Mr.T's method.
Easto said:
My Winstrol (winny) in 151 crashes all the time too.

I made it at 50mg/ml and all the powder sits at the bottom in big crystals. I then decided to dilute it down to 25mg/ml and it does the same thing.

Next time I make Winstrol (winny) I am either capping it, or using Mr.T's method.
I found that the key to not getting big crystals is to never put it in solution in the first place. I know this bitch would never hold, so I never tried to get it there. I never heated this, so the powder is in the form it was when it arrived...micronized. If you heat and get it into solution, it will inevidably crash, the difference being it will come out of solution in large crystals.
i had no probs with mine in EC. 100mg/ml. just finished a 100ml bottle i had. after i shook mine it stayed cloudy long enough to draw with an eye dropper.

i heated mine a few times til it quit clumping up on me.

the peg is deffinately a better route. but the EC worked well for me.
I have to heat mine for a good 5 minutes go get all the crystals to settle.

I ended up buying a bunch of small Tupperware containers.

Everytime I would heat up the Winstrol (winny), I would draw out my 50mg and put it into the small containers before it crashed again
I ended up heating it every 5 or so days
Pain in the ass
I would rather just make some caps. It will take longer, but I think it is more convenient.
Easto said:

I would rather just make some caps. It will take longer, but I think it is more convenient.

Try making it with Peg400. It holds perfect at 100mg/ml clear as water. I even tried to filter and bake 10mls of it and injected it, it was completely painless.
How does PEG taste if you use it for oral consumption?

Also, have you guys seen the flavours you can get from They look tempting ... Fruit Punch flavoured steroids, YUM!!!!!!
Easto said:
How does PEG taste if you use it for oral consumption?

Also, have you guys seen the flavours you can get from They look tempting ... Fruit Punch flavoured steroids, YUM!!!!!!

Peg tastest pretty nasty, it's like a warm alcohol kind of taste, but if you chase it with a drink it's fine. Fruit punch flavor would be nice, Lion nutrition does that with their research chems.
I used everclear, 100mg/ml and it came out wonderfull. The more I think about it the more I realize the only reason people have there Winstrol (winny) crash with 151 or everclear is that they heat it into suspension. Once it recrystalizes it will be large crystals that settle right away. I just dropped powder into everclear and mashed the hell out of it. Its still micronized and does not clump whatso ever.
Bimmer said:
I used everclear, 100mg/ml and it came out wonderfull. The more I think about it the more I realize the only reason people have there Winstrol (winny) crash with 151 or everclear is that they heat it into suspension. Once it recrystalizes it will be large crystals that settle right away. I just dropped powder into everclear and mashed the hell out of it. Its still micronized and does not clump whatso ever.
You mean solution, but that was my sentiment exactly when I replied to easto's post.