Water-based winny in larger batches???


On Vacation
Can it be done?

We all know that we can make this up no probs now, and it works great with minimal pain. But it is a pain in the ass to only make 20ml at a time. Any reason we couldn't make 2,3,4 times as much and just filter the appropriate amount into each 20ml vial?
pullinbig said:
no reason why you cant filter 100ml of the hormone and peg. then put it in smaller vials and add water.

Cool, I'm trying it tonight to make up 100ml total solution, I'll post how it goes tomorrow. Thanks PB!
Yup... good luck... I'd hate to hear you say it crashed after using all that powder! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you... and you keep yours crossed for me cause I'm trying yet again to get 20ml done perfectly tonite!!! LOL

DougoeFre5h said:
Good luck bro, keep us updated.

well, multiplied the ingredients by 3, and made up 60ml just now. Worked like a charm!! WEll, now we know...
Nicey nice!!! My Winstrol (winny) after letting it sit for 24hrs straight settled mostly to the bottom, so the one that I thought was kinda fucked actually worked! Nice to know I can do this!!! Eventually after I start making it work everytime I'm going to try what you did RJH!

nothing works everytime. =0l

everytimne i made Winstrol (winny) in water it never seperated. even if it sat for weeks it still stayed suspended, like mothers milk. :D why? i dont have a clue.
DougoeFre5h said:
Mine dont separate either...I like it that way.

Mine seperates every once in a while.... but with a shake it goes right back to normal. Pushes easily through a 25g pin.
OK, this may be dumb then, but how can zambon's be so perfect then? I'm not all that experienced with Winstrol, but each of the human/vet brands I've seen they've never had any settlement at the top of the solution... it all goes to the bottom. Wouldn't they use a similar process for making the solution? I'm sure they would use higher tech machinery and computers, but I mean aren't the ingredients the same?

DougoeFre5h said:
Thats the shit about mine, it doesnt go through a 25 but it flows through a 23 like air. Maybe it was the batch I got.

I'm gonna get some PS80 and see what I come up with. It only takes a few drops so it may be worth it just for QC purposes like PB said.
Well, I contacted GPZ (I get most of my supplies from them) and they forgot to ship the stuff (wasn't really there fault... miscommunications between them and I).. either way, it'll be here on Thursday and I'm gonna try mixing up some shi-at with the PS80 and I'll let you know the differences.

I tried taking pictures of mine, but I suck at taking pics and couldn't get the picture to become clear enough to show you what I was talking about with the floating things...

Derek_D said:
Well, I contacted GPZ (I get most of my supplies from them) and they forgot to ship the stuff (wasn't really there fault... miscommunications between them and I).. either way, it'll be here on Thursday and I'm gonna try mixing up some shi-at with the PS80 and I'll let you know the differences.

I tried taking pictures of mine, but I suck at taking pics and couldn't get the picture to become clear enough to show you what I was talking about with the floating things...


ps-80 is about 1 or 2 drops.

and for those who dont know what ps80 is.

it is polysorbate 80.

an emusifier, soluablizer and a surfractant (which is why it is used in winny)

a surfranctant coats the individual granuals of Winstrol (winny) making them slick so that they will not stick togther as readily.

an emulcifier enables oil and water (as an example) to blend without seperating.

a soluablizer helps to make (a substance such as a fat or lipid) soluble or more soluble, especially in water.