Water-based winny in larger batches???

That's great info PB... yeah, i was only gonna start with 1 drop and go from there, but I think its more useful if it was one of the original ingredients rather than after the solution has been made... but we'll know for sure tomorrow :D


pullinbig said:
ps-80 is about 1 or 2 drops.

and for those who dont know what ps80 is.

it is polysorbate 80.

an emusifier, soluablizer and a surfractant (which is why it is used in winny)

a surfranctant coats the individual granuals of Winstrol (winny) making them slick so that they will not stick togther as readily.

an emulcifier enables oil and water (as an example) to blend without seperating.

a soluablizer helps to make (a substance such as a fat or lipid) soluble or more soluble, especially in water.
pullinbig said:
ps-80 is about 1 or 2 drops.

and for those who dont know what ps80 is.

it is polysorbate 80.

an emusifier, soluablizer and a surfractant (which is why it is used in winny)

a surfranctant coats the individual granuals of Winstrol (winny) making them slick so that they will not stick togther as readily.

an emulcifier enables oil and water (as an example) to blend without seperating.

a soluablizer helps to make (a substance such as a fat or lipid) soluble or more soluble, especially in water.

ain't you sumpin'? :goof:
Derek_D said:
That's great info PB... yeah, i was only gonna start with 1 drop and go from there, but I think its more useful if it was one of the original ingredients rather than after the solution has been made... but we'll know for sure tomorrow :D

make sure you filter that shit man. Keep it clean DD =0)