Water based Winny & Test Base.

mranak said:
Why not just add the everything, including the water, to a beaker on the stove? I assume the problem with the stuff crashing upon hitting the water is due to the waters non-heated temperature.
basskiller said:
TNE suspention 75mg/ml
Supplies needed
1.5 Grams TNE powder
2 .22um whatman filter
1 10ml vial
1 20ml vial
2 18ga pins with 3ml plungers
1 5 ml plunger
1 10ml plunger
2 ml Benzyl Benzoate (10%)
.4 ml Benzyl Alcohol (2%)
.6 ml Polysorbate 80 (3%)***Trust me on this***
15.875 ml Distilled water

1. Add your BB and PS80 to your beaker (10ml vial) with your TNE powder and heat until it is in liquid form.

2. reduce heat enough to keep it liquid (med low temp on a hot plate) ***note: you must keep it on heat so it does not crash while filtering into the distilled water***

3 Put .4 ml BA and 15.875 ml distilled water in your 20ml vile.

4. Most of you will prefer to filter the BB/PS80/TNE mix which it great, but I prefer just to use a glass dropper to slowly drop it into the water 1ml at a time (BECAUSE GLASS WILL NOT MELT IN YOUR HAND) However, if you want to filter the concentrate use a .45um whatman filter and only do 1 ml at a time.

5. slowly add your BB/PS80/TNE mixture to your water 1 ml at a time, and after every ml you add put the stopper on the vile and shake vigerously. REMEMBER ONE ML AT A TIME. **THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT**

by the time you're done it should be milky white and perfect, with this method it won't clump or seperate to the bottom like it did with PEG. The TNE will stay milky and completely seperated and will go through a 30ga by 1/2" slin pin like pure water with no clogging and no pain at all!

Trust me you guys will love this!


Found this as well:

WarriorWithin from UnitedBodyBuilding has a Protocol for making TNE (test no ester or test suspension in water) that I altered to make it even more effective, check it out:
First post here is His Method, the post just after this is my explaning how I changed his method to make it more effective:

"Guys, I've been working my butt off to perfect this and I finally got it. Here is a formula for Test no ester (water based suspention) at 75mg/ml that will pass through a 30ga slin pin with no clogging. ENJOY!!!

TNE suspention 75mg/ml
Supplies needed
1.5 Grams TNE powder
2 .22um whatman filter
1 10ml vial
1 20ml vial
2 18ga pins with 3ml plungers
1 5 ml plunger
1 10ml plunger
2 ml Benzyl Benzoate (10%)
.4 ml Benzyl Alcohol (2%)
.6 ml Polysorbate 80 (3%)***Trust me on this***
15.875 ml Distilled water

1. Add your BB and PS80 to your beaker (10ml vial) with your TNE powder and heat until it is in liquid form.

2. reduce heat enough to keep it liquid (med low temp on a hot plate) ***note: you must keep it on heat so it does not crash while filtering into the distilled water***

3 Put .4 ml BA and 15.875 ml distilled water in your 20ml vile.

4. Most of you will prefer to filter the BB/PS80/TNE mix which it great, but I prefer just to use a glass dropper to slowly drop it into the water 1ml at a time (BECAUSE GLASS WILL NOT MELT IN YOUR HAND) However, if you want to filter the concentrate use a .45um whatman filter and only do 1 ml at a time.

5. slowly add your BB/PS80/TNE mixture to your water 1 ml at a time, and after every ml you add put the stopper on the vile and shake vigerously. REMEMBER ONE ML AT A TIME. **THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT**

by the time you're done it should be milky white and perfect, with this method it won't clump or seperate to the bottom like it did with PEG. The TNE will stay milky and completely seperated and will go through a 30ga by 1/2" slin pin like pure water with no clogging and no pain at all!

Trust me you guys will love this!

Please note all credit for this info goes to Spydie at bolex."

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#5 08-02-2005, 11:46 PM
Approved Member Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 893


Here is my REVISED Version of TNE in Water @ 100mg/mL!

I just wanted to add the following info that makes this TNE recipe EASY AS HELL!!

Here is the problem to the origional recipe as noted above.
You have to SLOOOWLY add the TNE/BB/PS80 to the water. BUT, the TNE/BB/PS80 tends to crash as it cools in the syringe AND filter, thus clogging everything.

Here is what I did to solve this major problem.

.....I simply reverse titrated (if you want to call it that). I added the hot
TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution to the sterile vial 1st!

(I added the BA to the TNE/BB/PS80 solution which helps prevent crashing a little more I guess.) The origional reciepe calls for the BA to be added to the water. Not in this case though. I used it to help dissolve the TNE.

-Since the TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution is added 1st, I was able to QUICKLY filter it into the vial without it crashing. Since there was no water in the vial, I didn't have to worry about filtering slooowly.

- Now that the TNE/BB/PS80/BA has been 0.22um filtered into the vial, I can add my distilled water as slowly as I wish without having to worry about the TNE/BB/PS80/BA crashing since its already in the vial!

*It gets better!! ---> I kept the TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution in the vial hot by leaving it vented with a needle and left on the hot plate. I then just 0.22um filtered my water into the hot TNE/BB/PS80/BA as fast as possible! Took about 5 seconds to add 14.8mLs of water!

**NO clumping! Looks like milk!

RECAP: Add TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution to sterile vial 1st
-Add distilled water 2nd
-Shake the hell out of it

I made 4 X 20mL bottles @ 100mg/mL. Looks excellent. Went FAST!

Followed the C&P from Diablo, sans filtering, worked out quite well. I would have filtered it but my friend was going to use it and was ambivalent as to filtering.

I remember getting this stuff in '94, it was pharmaceutical. I loved it back then and have no doubts about it. Made me strong and aggressive, a state which I enjoy occasionally...

Oh yeah, I am glad to be here as this is my first post.

KentuckyPWRLFTR said:
Followed the C&P from Diablo, sans filtering, worked out quite well. I would have filtered it but my friend was going to use it and was ambivalent as to filtering.

I remember getting this stuff in '94, it was pharmaceutical. I loved it back then and have no doubts about it. Made me strong and aggressive, a state which I enjoy occasionally...

Oh yeah, I am glad to be here as this is my first post.

The method described here won't work with syringe filters. The syringe filter itself holds too much volume and a significant percentage of the BB+PS80+TNE is lost in the syringe filter.

I tried putting bac water through the filter to clear out what was left. Well, I put 5mL+ (in .5mL or larger increments) of water through the filter and even in the end, I was still getting foam from the syringe filter which I assume means that TNE was still in the filter...unless it was PS80 that was stuck in there? It was white foam.

I opened a 10mL vial of bac water for this project. I deviated from the instructions and put the vial on the stove to get the water hot to prevent crashing. Unfortunately, this made the dynamics of moving the water from water vial to syringe with filter more difficult. I apparently lost of significant amount of water due to various purposes.

After adding the water, my TNE vial had maybe 7mL of fluid in it. It wasn't crashing, but it was hot. Upon letting it cool, stuff collected on the bottom of the vial. Damn.

So maybe the concentration was too high. I was aiming for 100mg/mL rather than 75mg/mL and of course, I didn't end up with 10mL of fluid. But I was hoping it would be okay because the beaker that I mixed the BB+PS80+TNE in had a significant amount of residue after I poured what was in it into the syringe with the filter. I guess it really was TNE as it crystalized in the beaker a little later.

Anyway, next time I do this I'm going to:

- Mix BB+PS80+BA+TNE in vial (not 50mL beaker) on stove
- Heat water on stove
- Move hot water into TNE vial
- Not sure about shaking the hell out of it. When I did this today, I had pressure problems and the rubber top wanted to pop off
basskiller said:
TNE suspention 75mg/ml
Supplies needed
1.5 Grams TNE powder
2 .22um whatman filter
1 10ml vial
1 20ml vial
2 18ga pins with 3ml plungers
1 5 ml plunger
1 10ml plunger
2 ml Benzyl Benzoate (10%)
.4 ml Benzyl Alcohol (2%)
.6 ml Polysorbate 80 (3%)***Trust me on this***
15.875 ml Distilled water

1. Add your BB and PS80 to your beaker (10ml vial) with your TNE powder and heat until it is in liquid form.

2. reduce heat enough to keep it liquid (med low temp on a hot plate) ***note: you must keep it on heat so it does not crash while filtering into the distilled water***

3 Put .4 ml BA and 15.875 ml distilled water in your 20ml vile.

4. Most of you will prefer to filter the BB/PS80/TNE mix which it great, but I prefer just to use a glass dropper to slowly drop it into the water 1ml at a time (BECAUSE GLASS WILL NOT MELT IN YOUR HAND) However, if you want to filter the concentrate use a .45um whatman filter and only do 1 ml at a time.

5. slowly add your BB/PS80/TNE mixture to your water 1 ml at a time, and after every ml you add put the stopper on the vile and shake vigerously. REMEMBER ONE ML AT A TIME. **THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT**

by the time you're done it should be milky white and perfect, with this method it won't clump or seperate to the bottom like it did with PEG. The TNE will stay milky and completely seperated and will go through a 30ga by 1/2" slin pin like pure water with no clogging and no pain at all!

Trust me you guys will love this!


should this work just as well with winny?

I put this in the microwave for 10 seconds tonight, shook like hell, and injected .05mL sub-q with an insulin pin. Will do the same tomorrow with double the dose if I don't have any problems.
DocJ said:
That looks much "clumpier" than mine comes out....no problems though?
Don't get me wrong; as far as I'm concerned, it didn't turn out right. But if I heat it, then I don't have any clumps so I figured I might as well experiment with it.

I guess it is possible that I'm geting clumps due to too high of a concentration. While I intended for 100mg/mL, it may be a fair bit higher since I apparently didn't get enough water in there.
Injected .1mL last night, .2mL this morning.

The stuff is definitely crystalizing between uses, but 9 seconds in the microwave and some hard shaking seems to resolve the issue temporarily.

Anyone see a problem with doing this?

Also, what would you speculate is the best chemical to prevent the crystalization from occuring. BB?
DocJ said:
I would use BB...
Just for clarification, it already have some BB in it as per the recipe listed prior in this thread.
DocJ said:
Why are you inj subQ?
A better question, I think, if why not. I don't see any reason to inject IM and put a hole in my muscle if I don't have to.

Technically, a sub-q injection should slow absorption a little, which should be desirable with no-ester testosterone.

What would be more painful in this instance, IM or sub-q? I don't know. But sub-q hasn't been painful thus far. I had a bit of an odd sensation for a few hours after the injection this morning, but that could have been caused by trauma from the injection itself as I actually got just a bit of blood after injecting. I may be done a bit too far outside of my belly button, where there is less fat.

50mL @ 100mg/mL

5g Testosterone base
20% BB
2% BA
3% PS80
Filled the rest with water

Used a slightly different technique. Currently cooling. Will see if it crystalizes.