water under the bridge


New member
Hi!... I was just wondering what I can do to help out with my little water pump problem....No No....not the water pump in your house. I have been holding some water on the hips and I was wondering how to get rid of it. I have a big weekend comeing up and I also want to get a really good pump for 2 day ride..... I need to know how to shed the water fast and get that great pump that lasts for a few days. Some training tech.... full body work outs??????? tell me some thing I can do to get that pump, the pump that lasts.

I'm only on creatine at the present time.....

Thaks for the help.
First of all, are you sure its water on your hips? Water is usualy retained all over the body and not really in one place. If you are positive its water, then cut the creatine, and watch you sodium intake. If your big day is several weeks away, drink more. At least a gallon a day. It takes water to loose water. Get you body used to passing water, then a day before cut the water almost out.