Water, Water Everywhere, and Mostly in my Face


Just finished week four of my first cycle:

1-12 Test-E, 500mg/week
1-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu/week
1-18 Aromasin 12.5 ED
13-14 (10 days) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu/day
15-18 Clomid, 300 on day 1, 100 ED on days 2-14, 50 ED on days 15-28

I'm 37, 6'4", starting weight was 220, and I've been lifting for sports and health since Junior High, lifting heavy for about two years.

Some observations:

Bloat: I went back and forth a lot about whether to run Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right off the bat or wait for sides to appear. Considering the new softness to my face, I'm glad I started right away. I shudder to imagine the moon face I'd have otherwise.

Injection Pain: I'm rotating between glutes, quads, and delts, six sites. This second time through the rotation is SO MUCH BETTER than the first. Good god!

Progress: Weeks 1-3 were pretty uneventful. But this week I suddenly gained 7 pounds and I've got veins and muscles popping out all over the place. Very cool.

Energy: fricking exhausted all the time, especially this week. I guess building muscle is taking up all my energy.

Libido: my gf is also fricking exhausted. :-P

Diet: God I'm eating all the time. It's ridiculous. I understand I need to keep my diet up post-cycle, but sheesh...what a lot of work!

PCT: I've got nolva, too, but I'm thinking I'm gonna run Clomid only this time...just to see what all the fuss is about. I'll do a Test-E/Deca cycle next spring after which I'll run both Clomid and Nolva. NOT looking forward to PCT from everything I've read.

Anyway, my appreciation to 'Ology. What a resource!

keep it up bro

you could up the aromasin to 25 mg a day but as long as blood pressure stays good and no gyno appears its optional.
Thanks, Dawg. I owe you a big debt of gratitude. I've learned a tremendous amount from posts that you and DET have written. This board is lucky to have you.

Getting ready to start week five now. Looking in the mirror, I'm asking myself 'what the hell happened to those shadows that in the perfect light looked like a six-pack??!!' I'm hoping that's just water bloat. Well, nobody's gonna accuse me of not eating enough on cycle,, anyway. I'm fogging RAVENOUS. I THINK I'm eating mostly clean...does pb&j count as clean? How about pizza? A seven-patty bacon cheeseburger from BK? lol

Anyway, I'm feeling it now...mostly at night...like my muscles are just BUSY. I have a feeling I'm gonna set some records in the gym this week. Bring the pain, hell yeah.
Put up 275 for four reps on the bench today. I know that's preschool stuff for a lot of guys on this board, but I'm fricking PSYCHED.

I'm doing the 5-3-1 workout. On bench day my accessories are:
Incline DB press
Incline DB curl
Pec Deck
and some leg-ups

I really hope my tendons hold out through the rest of this cycle.

Ninth pin today, but had to break into my second 2ml vial of test-e. Hadn't considered until recently the loss from oil remaining in the needle. Fortunately I already have the test/deca cycle I'm planning for next spring, so plenty of test to go around. Cycle 2's gonna be short, though, unless I get some more. Fortunately I've got plenty of time.
Dead Lift Day today. I'm on wave 3 of the 5-3-1 workout, so it looked like this:

5x75%1RM, 3x85%, 1x95%

BUT, I nailed 5 reps on the last set. So next month I'm gonna up my 1RM on Deads by 25lb. Ambitious? Yes. Realistic? Yes. I'm embarrassed to report that my bench is higher than my DL right now. How wack is that?! ...something I'm hoping to correct with this cycle.

BTW Accessories on DL day are:
Calf Raises 4x20
Lat Pull-down 4x10
Exercise ball crunches 4x15
Bent-over Reverse Flies 4x10

Cardio has gone to S**T. Seriously. I'm easily winded and low endurance. Flexibility has also suffered. But I'll have all of PCT and 18 weeks recovery to straighten that out. Speaking of which, I'm thinking of trying the Trip protocol for PCT...No HCG blast, 1 shot 100mcg day 14 after last shot, start nolva day 2-28, 20 mg ED.

I've got a freezer full of ipamorelin and CJC w/o DAC. I guess I'll save it for after PCT...