Waxy Maise Starch - Post Your Review

DirkMoneyshot said:
Justin Harris (and yes Justin has ties to TP) said he came in fuller and he's probably right he did. You can contribute this two several reasons. He started his diet at 16 weeks out and probably only needed to lose 8 - 10 lbs of fat. That means his diet was not as hard as the times before. He kept lean in the offseason and didn't need to deplete to get in shape. Second he took in more carbs this time around. Period - End of Story.
is that Tropinon (sp?)? If so, judging from his posts, he's all over WM. He said he went up 8 lbs in one day using WM with little to no loss in conditioning, going up another 3 the next day. Obviously his conditioning had a lot to do with it, but the WM didnt hurt.

And just to make it clear, i dont think WM is a wonder supp or anything along those lines. I group it with effective, but unecesary supps like BCAAs that 99% of the people out there dont really need
As for Dante your right i think he has a good product and is and honest man. However the claims are like any other manufacture. You have to make money plain and simple.
As for proving them right or wrong. That is the easiest thing in the world. When a product has a molecular weight of 60,000 daltons and another (protein) has one of lets use a hydro protein which is about 520 what do you think happens. Simple Physiology explains this---
Thats all way over my head, but plenty of people seem to believe that other powders are shuttled along with the WM.
As for the more carbs in your right i should have said because of insulin effects in the first post. However i would think any intelligent individual could think for themself as no one in their right mind would supplement with a carb source (High fructose corn syrup or the likes) just to get in extra carbs. No one would do that which make WM different.
why would anyone supplement with HFCS? Is that even a marketed supplement? Ive never seen it, or if i have, never paid any attention to it.

anyone who buys a weight gainer is supplementing with maltodextrin, or dextrose, or whatever carbs they use in various weight gainers.
As far as my posts- Where did you come up with using Granny Smith Apples??? I can think of no one who uses them on this board or mentioned them. Can you tell me why You would use them over others?

I'll pull out other meal suggestions that are the same as mine if you like.
Ive eaten granny smiths ever since i was a kid, its what my mom bought 99% of the time, and rarely ever had red delicious, golden delicious, mcintosh, etc. I always have a 15g whey shake and 30g fruit pre workout. I also recommend fruit medleys (a frozen blend of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries) pre workout, as well as bananas. Ive also recommended eggs, oatmeal, steak, chicken, and various other foods in the past. But lemme guess, you recommended a granny smith to someone before, and therefore since i have as well, and youve been a member here longer, i am "plagarizing" you. You must be joking.

And as far as BS'ing i'm not sure when i started doing that. I've given straight forward advice for 3 years here to anyone who wanted it.
im not arguing that
The douche bag comment like i said if you would give credit to those who deserve it then we wouldn't have this problem. A simple hey i tried this because So and So recommend it is a lot better then trying to pawn it off as your own.
recommending fruit is "pawning it off as my own"? Like I said, you must be joking.
uh oh, looks like rich genetics is stealing your knowledge Dirk

heres another guy that stole "your" idea of eating an apple pre workout

and here i already tell you that i have apples preworkout, but like you said, im just plagarizing it from you
tried it again toady by it self actually felt hit me..wierd? also i must say this is one of the messiest powders i have ever used.
adidamps2 said:
using this now for 2 weeks and no significant differnce for me over dextrose/malto mix :(

Interesting... i'll be running Vitargo(60g) plus two servings of Oats PWO in about 3 weeks. I'll post results, I know it's not from TP, but it's still waxy maise. I'll be placing an order with TP soon though, the Vitargo is too pricey.
JT190 said:
Interesting... i'll be running Vitargo(60g) plus two servings of Oats PWO in about 3 weeks. I'll post results, I know it's not from TP, but it's still waxy maise. I'll be placing an order with TP soon though, the Vitargo is too pricey.
prepare to look like a coke addict when handling this stuff...it goes every were and coats everything...it is very, very messy powder.
adidamps2 said:
prepare to look like a coke addict when handling this stuff...it goes every were and coats everything...it is very, very messy powder.

That sux, are you able to mix it in a shaker at the gym or do you wait until you get home?
JT190 said:
That sux, are you able to mix it in a shaker at the gym or do you wait until you get home?
wait till i get home...use a blender. 12oz water is what i use for 60g of powder..its really chalky tasting too. not bad..jsut chalky
adidamps2 said:
wait till i get home...use a blender. 12oz water is what i use for 60g of powder..its really chalky tasting too. not bad..jsut chalky

That's cool, I can stomache almost anything.

69, i'm going to be using 1 cup oats plus 60g of waxy maise PWO, maybe more. I'm going to play around with the amount and see if the results are better. When i'm finished cutting, i'm going to really get my diet in check to put on some quality mass, I may even work up to 200g carbs PWO to see how I react.
Absolutely a great product. I feel completely replenished without the bloated feeling you egt with simple sugars PW. The bst part is thaty it may help shuttle other nutrients through the digestive system into the bloodstream. I hope soemone tried it with insulin soon as I really want to know how it works out.
We have gone through great lengths testing and tweaking our Waxy Maize Starch to be palatable.

Oh my.
Suareezay said:
you can mix it in a shaker just fine. No different than any other easily mixing powder.
havent tried that yet to mix it..
however with the great rave over this stuff i am kinda disappointed..i think i will just go back to dex/malto after this batch esp for the price differnce between the 2.
200 grams post workout, wow that is alot of oats lol.

I am sick of oats, but hoently i fill out great w\high carbs especially from oats so i am trying to blend oats left and right lol

JT190 said:
That's cool, I can stomache almost anything.

69, i'm going to be using 1 cup oats plus 60g of waxy maise PWO, maybe more. I'm going to play around with the amount and see if the results are better. When i'm finished cutting, i'm going to really get my diet in check to put on some quality mass, I may even work up to 200g carbs PWO to see how I react.
OC Cartel said:
so what's the verdict on how much i should use PWO, and how much protein i should mix with it?
generally 1-2 scoops. Each scoop is ~40g carbs.

typical recommendation for using WMS is not to use whey or whole foods with it, but BCAAs, CEE, taurine, etc. Whatever you add should not exceed 15% of the mix.

You can have whey/oats or another whole food meal 20-30 minutes after your WMS shake.
adidamps2 said:
however with the great rave over this stuff i am kinda disappointed..i think i will just go back to dex/malto after this batch esp for the price differnce between the 2.
i think people are expecting too much from this stuff. Its not steroids, its a carb source. Malto/dex bloats the hell out of me, WMS doesnt. WMS also fills out your muscles better.

There really is nothing to rave about, but from what i understand this stuff does crazy things for contest competitors, but that doesnt apply to me.