Ways of treating depression- Fish oil


I can GUIDE.....
People who find it difficult to take the medicines and scared of the side effects it can cause, there are a number of other ways that he/ she may try to treat on depression. The most effective and reliable way of treating depression without attaining sexual dysfunction is by including fish oil or Omega 3 fatty acid content capsules as a part of the daily diet. It has been researched that people who lack the required amount of EPA( eicosapentaenoic acid) are the victims of depression easily. Due to the existence of Omega 3 fatty acids, fish oil is a rich source of Vitamin A and D. It helps in relieving individuals from depression, stress, fatigue, and lack of sexual desire. Fish oil helps in stabilizing one’s mood and treating on depression from the roots. The fish oil improves the absorption of chemical medicines that treat on depression. The inclusion of fish oil as a part of the daily diet, not only treats on depression, but it also prevents the enzyme from hampering the sexual activity, by providing blood supply to the penile and the pelvic regions, thus leading to a satisfying sexual intercourse.

Go for 10 gm dosage of fish oil daily for a depression and sexual dysfunction free life.
eh, ima do a little more reading on that. sounds pretty decent tho. my buddy takes that concentrated fish oil shit... just never really looked into it that much