Weeks worth of anadrol whilst on test e cycle


New member
Doing a test e cycle my first one 12 weeks. 250 every 3.5 days. Along with hcg 250 every 3.5 days. Along ae's and running nolvadex nd clomid on pct. I'm just starting week 2 of cycle and have been given 7 tabs of anadrol. Was thinking about taking one a day throughout week 2 to help with strength gains. However not sure if this will have an overall positive effect whilst I'm running test especially with liver toxicity. They were free so don't mind throwing them away really. I've done an anadrol cycle early last year and actually managed to keep 2kg of muscle after water retention went (tested with bio impedance and skin callipers.)

So my question - is this a wise move? Should i wait till later in the cycle or should I get rid ?

Thanks in advance chris

P.s. Stats are
25 yrs old
Bf- 13
75 kg
9 years of good quality training experience
A weeks worth ain't going to do much of anything. Whats going on with your ai? If your not running an ai, I wouldn't start popping anadrol.
A weeks worth ain't going to do much of anything. Whats going on with your ai? If your not running an ai, I wouldn't start popping anadrol.

My bad I'm running arimidex eod. I did say in my original question. But I called them ae's as in anti estrogen's my apologise
Don't waste your time with 7 abombs. Save them til you get more. Don't you find it a bit odd that someone would give you 7 anadrol pills. Anyone I know that eats abombs...eat them all!! Unless they're garbage. Just saying
Raises a few bells to why someone gave you just 7 a-bombs? Just curious, did they say why they gave them too you? Could be fakes lol.

But if I was going to make use of them, id probably split them up and run a low dose for week 3/4 and by then the test should be kicking in.

Or save them lol