Weight Gainer

I have never been a fan of the "weight gainers" on the market. Here is my shake:
Whey To Build Muscle Protien
15gm Macadamia Oil
40 gm oats
I've used cytogainer in the past by cytosport. Gained about ten pounds. But I was eating constantly. I was proud of the results. Now I wanted to try something else. So today I went out and got a ten pound bucket of N Large 2 by Prolab. Hoping to get the same or better results as I did with cytogainer.
I make my own.
2 servings:
100g needtowhey
50g oatmeal
1 banana
4 tbs peanutbutter
25g dextrose
fill with milk or water and blend er up.
As mentioned above,homeade ones are the best....but the one I like the most and have had the best results with is Optimums Pro Complex Gainer,its pretty high priced,but the best overall around weight gainer thats made imo,cause its not loaded with sugars and bad carbs,i always take 2 shakes of it a day,i mix 2 scoops of PCG with 1 cup of oats,skim milk,high calorie shake with alot of protein and good carbs