Weird Question....can animals detect or smell high androgen levels?


New member
Weird question but I'm convinced animals (especially dogs) can somehow detect or smell androgens. When I blast and am around dogs they are either terrified of me, or get testy with me. Off cycle...I do not have this issue. This is something I've been paying attention to over the years because I noticed it early on.

Some dogs won't let me get near them....they will flee even if i slowly approach in a friendly calm manner with my hand extended for them to sniff out. Others will growl and stand their ground with me until their owner pulls them away. This happens with EVERY SINGLE dog I come across when I'm blasting.

Anyone else have this issue or have any theories on this?
Lots of reports and articles about testosterone levels affecting the smell of sweat, so I would say that absolutely a dog could smell the difference. How or why they would react to it I have no clue.
Now you just need to train the dog:

One bark: Dbol
Two barks: Winnie
Three barks: Anavar
Lifts leg: bunk

maybe add:

Humps leg: high estradiol
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So let me get this straight. If you have a dog, it could save you from cancer. My wife has two cats and no dogs. Does that mean I'm screwed and I'm going to die from cancer. Lay it on me man. I can take it....

BTW I'm not dissing on anyone. Just having fun
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Weird question but I'm convinced animals (especially dogs) can somehow detect or smell androgens. When I blast and am around dogs they are either terrified of me, or get testy with me. Off cycle...I do not have this issue. This is something I've been paying attention to over the years because I noticed it early on.

Some dogs won't let me get near them....they will flee even if i slowly approach in a friendly calm manner with my hand extended for them to sniff out. Others will growl and stand their ground with me until their owner pulls them away. This happens with EVERY SINGLE dog I come across when I'm blasting.

Anyone else have this issue or have any theories on this?

I have always had that reaction with dogs even when off... However this idea had crossed my mind 2 days ago. Talk about coincidence.
Think about it, in the animal kingdom the alpha male leads the pack. so it would make sense for a dog to notice extreme high levels of testosterone...singling out the alpha.
Think about it, in the animal kingdom the alpha male leads the pack. so it would make sense for a dog to notice extreme high levels of testosterone...singling out the alpha.

I suppose it's why high test/mast/tren/dbol has been known to "somehow" make chicks more attracted to you.

"Somehow" androgens give off not just a scent, but also visual indicators. A non-human brain will perceive it's reallity and more noticable through animalistic actions compared to humans who in this day and age the specific brain region is being under-used and long term in thousands of years will gauranteed be noticable smaller if not less complex...

Anyway long story short a dog sitting on the porch as you approach it juiced to the gills will notice the androgenic features via your visual cues AKA body langauge.

Humans do the same, although the perception can be blunted simply by things such as knowing the actual person, or a pink t-shirt that says Barbie on it... Get me ;) ?
Dogs are still friendly towards me. But then again, I've owned them pretty much throughout my life and have zero fear (that's usually what they do smell) of them. Some bark if with their owner, but that's just to alert them of another's presence.

Yes, we emit higher levels of androstendione in our sweat when cycling, and yes - it's a pheromone. However, it has the opposite effect when dry. It's been a topic of study for a loooooong time as lonely scientists want to bottle the stuff to get laid.

It makes sense that dogs can smell this, among other things we emit, but I doubt that it's seen as a "threat" to them any more than simply being in their territory or near their masters.

My .02c :)