welts and bruising from BAC water


New member
hello all,

i just wanted to post some relavent info.

i know myself and others have experienced an allergic reaction while using peptides. i have done some extensive research and have found that it is not the peptides in most cases causing the reaction. the most likely culprit is the BAC water. evidently the most common side effect is an allergic reaction to the alcohol used as the BAC agent in the recon agent. i have found that using a smal amount of BAC water with NACL aleviates this reaction almost completely. the BAC is just to ensure multiple dose cleanliness and sterility. so recon with a small amount of BAC and motly sterile NACL or water. i chose NACL due to the discomfort associated with sterile water.
What gauge are you using, and how many vials are you going through before pinning? A dull pin will bruise you up too, even subq...
What gauge are you using, and how many vials are you going through before pinning? A dull pin will bruise you up too, even subq...

30G 1/5 in. i stopped subq due to the welts. i do IM in my rats quads and glutes. TB500 was the worst for some reason. also do not mix any ghrp or ghrh with a corticosteriod. the result is a systemic over reaction of histamine. my rats are still paying the price 2 weeks later.
have you actually considered ster. water? i dont know how fast you go through your research vials but the nacl with the sodium in it may have an impact on the compound. dont quote me on that but i will do some research and see what i can come up with
yeah i have tried sterile water. due to the fluid balance and sodium levels in our body when you inject sterile water it hurts. it hurts really bad like 10iu felt like getting stung by 5 bees bad. as far as i have readthere is no difference when reconing the ghrp and ghrh ie. Sterile BAC, water, NACL AA. only certain peptides have restrictions and most of the restrictions are either conjecture or because the substance is so small it can get stuck in the etching on the glass (IGF is used with AA because of this). all i know is my new batch stll works just with out the itching and swelling.