What about mixing Test Cyp + EQ ? Genesis labs


New member
I'm 20 years old, 5 foot 7, 168 lbs, 8% BF. Been lifting for 2 years.

First cycle:

week 1-12: 500 mg test cypionate + 500 mg Boldenone (both from Genesis Laboratories)
week 12-13: nothing
PCT (week 13-16): nolvadex 40/20/20

what do you brahs think?

I completed 3 weeks and gained 5 pounds and some strength.

but i'm experiencing weird side effects like severe insomnia (I sleep 3h a day monday to friday) and morning sickness and loss of apetite... I also have back acne and fiery libido. Always ready to hit, and I didn't use to be like that xD What do you think about genesis labs?

P.S.- I Eat 6 meals per day, always clean. Train 4 days a week. But with nausea I can't keep up with the diet, but I still eat untill i literally vomit and swallow again. that's when i stop. I would appreciate any help with the side effects and thougths on the cycle itself. Thanks brahs!
I think your a few years and more than a few pounds from that cycle being a good idea. Just my opinion bro but at any rate all the best.
That's pretty high dosages for a first cycle. 1000mgs a week total, but with the boldenone being a bit 'milder' mg for mg than test, it's probably equivalent to 800mgs test a week. Which would seem a tad excessive especially for your size. The sides you're getting are probably a result of your body's hormonal balance being thrown out wildly, so a few weeks in your body should start to adjust and sides would subside. That is my hypothesis. No experience to back it up, halfway through my first cycle myself.