Let's reverse the question a little bit:
- Why would you change your normal program just because your on cycle?
If your off cycle program is optimal (read my thread to know how to make it optimal), then there is no reason whatsoever to change anything.
Drugs don't require a special programme to work, they simply work BETTER for an already dialled in, optimal programme.
Yes I definitely understand you on this bro. This is a good reason why newbs shouldn't fuck with steroids; because you can't learn anything about training while you're on them. Over the years I have learned much about training, but since steroids facilitate much faster recovery, i feel like my program should call for much faster progress
I've always wondered about this. If my off cycle program is a 5 day split, 1 muscle group a day... Then why can't I change it up to a 6 day split, 2 muscles a day (hitting the muscle twice a week 2 days apart) on cycle if the drugs make you heal faster and grow stronger?
If I'm taking something to push my healing time to the next level and increase my intensity beyond a natural point, then why NOT change up the regimen and push harder?
Train "optimally" year round naturally... Then when you blast gear train the exact same way so your NOT dependent on the gear .. You were supposedly optimal to begin with,, so train the same way!!??
Makes me think zilla has never even cycled himself.. Too focused on training nattys.
I'm all for training and dieting optimally year round... But when you add in gear , not neglecting the physiological effects of training on gear,,, IMO. You can't just train the same way as you do off gear and natural.... When on gear things MENTALLY change,, and that effects all things in life including your training..
Again, makes me think zilla is a great natural,trainer but not running gear himself
In your case, your current off cycle routine isn't optimal anyway IMO.
I've always recommended hitting the muscles twice per week, so your 6 day split sounds perfectly fine to be used year round - it certainly doesn't fall under the bracket of "pushing harder".
Now if you said something like training for 3 hours with double volume (see DLB's videos on youtube), or doing 10x10 for 5 exercises per muscle group, or using 10 exercises per muscle group, or training twice a day (chest morning, back evening, etc) THAT is when your training has become suboptimal and the drugs are doing all the work.
Hope that makes sense.
Psychological considerations (mental changes) are important. But psychological needs do NOT dictate physiological realities
Explain to me why you think optimal training as a natural is suddenly NOT optimal on gear?
In fact, explain to me why it wouldn't work EVEN BETTER on gear now that your in a really anabolic environment?
Considering biomechanics & skeletal muscle bioenergetics are the same (how your muscles react to training).
Considering the rate of tendon/joint adaptation is NEVER going to be quick enough on cycle regardless of how much you think recovery is enhanced.
This stupid idea that because your on gear, suddenly the routine that has been working for you isn't good enough any more.
I know, let's pump up the volume and change the routine that was WORKING because "mentally" I feel too alpha for this optimal bullshit. Plus I'm sure everyone knows how to suddenly design an expert programme specifically tailored to take advantage of being on cycle right? Oh wait...
My point is that more is NOT always better.
Go train balls to the wall every session, with double volume, on cycle when your recovery TEMPORARILY increases and come and tell me how you feel once you return to training off cycle.
After a few cycles, you'll realise that because your ego has made you train like a moron you can never train the same off cycle so you must stay "on" all the time - mentally & physically you become fucked without the drugs.
Then go and talk to the MANY members we have here who have had serious injures constantly through out the years - schredder, bigben and teutonic come to mind (I'm sure their are others).
And by the way, I mentioned on here several times that I haven't cycled though I wouldn't call myself a nattie anymore either (thermogenics & peptides galore).I am lucky enough to be in a position where I'm still youngish, making pretty good gains, bloodwork is optimal and there is no need for me to start cycling.
If that means I'm somehow not qualified to give diet & training advice to people on gear (some of my non-competing clients included) then your certainly entitled to your opinion. But many will disagree with you.
Also, I'm getting tired of you constantly trying to discredit me.
If you disagree with my view then by all means make your case but do NOT start insulting my credentials and getting personal - especially when you sent me a fucking PM last time apologising.
So training should always be tweaked and changed up to keep the body "shocked" and not adapting.
Adaptation is the physiological process by which you get bigger/stronger. If anything, steroids increase your body's rate of adaptation. I've always been a little skeptical of "muscle confusion". (although i've used the conjugate method with resounding success)