New member
I've researched steroids and supplements quite a bit over the past year. I've learned a lot but it's all quite confusing. I'm only 18 and don't plan to do a cycle for quite awhile. I'm 6' at around 175 and 10% body fat. I diet and Supplement well and have a great work ethic. At some point I do plan to cycle and am just curious at how I will do that. I know my first cycle and probably all I will ever deal with is testosterone. What dosage should be taken and what kind of testosterone? I'm prone to acne also. For how long should I cycle and what drugs do I need on hand? I know I need something for Gyno and a good PCT is very important. What is an AI? I am new to this world and have the upmost respect for steriods and know it is a very serious drug. And at the end of the day can I cycle be done safely at my age? I'm just curious about this all but not ready to start taking AAS.