What are good supplement for..


New member
I am just now starting to work out again. I am 26 years old. About 5'10' 215 Lbs. I happen to have a pretty big gut compared to the rest of me., doesn't match my arm and leg size if you know what I mean...

Now, I'm cluless about good supplements to use, I mean there are so many things out there its just confusing...So what products would work best for me to lose the fat quick! Also besides trimming down, I would like to add muscle, which I know comes in eventually(I used to be bigger in highschool) So I'd like to find products for that as well..

A quick question about creatine. For someone like me who has fat to burn, would creatine be useless and just add fat?
your post makes it sound like you are expecting to much from 'supplements' when they are just that..."supplements". they may help you attain your goal, but will not yield it for you.

clean up your diet; reduce calorie intake and consume the essential calories for your desired goal at the appropriate times throughout the day. increase your cardio.

since you started to workout again; lifting weights will help build muscle mass, which in turn helps burn body fat. its a win win.

creatine is a heavily argues topic. i personnaly have not found it to go to waste or have individuals 'add fat'. it can increase slight water retention, so drink more water throughout the day. potassium also helps the body excrete excess water.

helpful supps to consider are;
protein powders (100% whey, and casein for the evening)
BCAAs, these are the building blocks for lean muscle
ZMA, helps with quality of sleep and recovering the body while you sleep (which is alot)
fish oil (flax oil), you need healthy fats to constitue roughly 15-20% of your daily caloric intake. CLA is also good for this.

i am typing this at work and in a hurry so i know there is something i am missing; if others would care to weigh in that would be great...