What are prohoromones and what are the side effects?


New member
I was referred here by someone telling me not to take steroids and instead take prohoromones.

I have never heard of these, and was wondering if someone could educate me on them so I dont make a mistake.

If anyone would be willing to do that id be very thankful :).

OP - most pro hormones out are "designer steroids". they have been formulated and determined to be ineffective for medicinal purposes but since they're still anabolics people decided they can be used in the supplement industry.

basically they have the same sides as steroids (some claim worse sides - some have virtually no sides) but like steroids they vary person to person.

if you decide to take them use them like you would real steroids with real post cycle therapy (pct). don't abuse them just because they come in a bottle OTC - they bear all the risk of using "real" (read illegal) steroids.
Ya like I told you in another post u made id suggest maybe sarms. That's all. Post your stats up so people can.further assist you. I can't remember but I thought you could use some nutritional help before you do anything