what are some cheap foods to bulk on?


New member
doesnt have to be healthy, but just to get more muscle lol. like any cheap meats or whatever thats available in canada
well thats the issue.. whats cheap in your area??

is there a bulk store (like costco in the us) where you can buy a bunch of chicken for a low price??

how about canned tuna??

or, can you go out your back yard and legally kill a moose, deer, or elk?? thats the cheapest! lol
well thats the issue.. whats cheap in your area??

is there a bulk store (like costco in the us) where you can buy a bunch of chicken for a low price??

how about canned tuna??

or, can you go out your back yard and legally kill a moose, deer, or elk?? thats the cheapest! lol

yea we have costco but i never went, is it good?
milk, eggs, chicken breast, oatmeal, peanut butter, yogurt, rice, lean hamburger, frozen pizza...just to name a few.
Hell, just eat, alot!!
Think, comfort foods ig. Burgers, pizza, hot dogs, ice cream, Chinese food, Mexican food, hell any type of foods, just eat alot of it holmes! :)
even have some on your bedside stand to eat in the middle of the night when you wake up to eat.
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