what are some of the causes of primary hypogonadism?


New member
I know that steroid use is usually associated with secondary. What are some of the reasons a man may become primary?
Testicular/head trauma, genetic disorders, side effects from other drugs (my cause), varicoceles, and many others. Secondary is more common, but there are still quite a few of us primary guys running around. :)
would steroids ever be the culprit of primary?

Not that I can think of. Primary is when your testes do not produce testosterone even when there's an ample leutinizing hormone signal from your pituitary telling them to produce.

As secondary is usually elsewhere in the HPTA, and AAS tends to cause the pituitary gland to cease producing LH, secondary is often the result. I do not know of any AAS that has a direct impact on the testes, but I suppose anything is possible. I would speculate, but that would potentially be false information on my part.
Head trauma is becoming more and more apparent, also direct injury to your gonads. I have done alot of kick boxing in my time. Even with a cup the guys can go through a pounding.
Mine was cause by prolonged caloric deficit and a bad reaction to psychiatric medicine according to what my endo said.