What are the best times of day to comsume whey protein supplements ?


New member
How many times a day ?

1. first thing in morning ?

2. Pre workout (1 hour before ) ?

3. Post workout ( right after) ?

4. Before bed ?

What times would be the most efficient ?

post workout is a MUST!!
all other times you listed are not essential. IMO it is best to get the majority of your protein from a whole food source rather then relying too much on protein supplements. they are a convience when real food is difficult to get in.
All the above.
And yes whole foods should be the choice for a minimum of two of your five-six meals a day, but that is not always possible.
You do want a quick releasing protein (whey) as soon as possible after your workout, and a slower releasing one(casien based) at bedtime.
1) in the morning is perfect since u are probably catabolic after sleeping all night so a good quick digesting protein such as whey to flood the bloodstream with some amino's is perfect
2)not really necesarry imho and there is more to support a shake during a wo than pre wo, have some real food pre wo imho. just make sure to get protein and some cals in the pre wo meal
3)post wo is a must imho, ur body is screaming for nutrients pst wo. some whey post wo is ideal!!!
4)before bed do not take whey but rather something slow digesting to last u through the night. look more along the lines of cassein, cottage cheese, nuts, peanut butter and flax!!!
hope this helps
A lot of old school bodybuilders used to take a whey shake half way through the night... id find it hard to get back to sleep but I heard it worked wonders... im going to do this all the way through my cycle :D