What can a hard gainer/difficult mouth can eat first thing in the morning ?


New member
hello everyone

I AM the definition of an ectomorph/REAL hargainers

my biggest problem is to eat first thing in the morning.I also even tried to eat 2 hour later wich works but if i did good research the fisrt anabolic windoow has to be taken 1 hour after wakening up.

The only thing i can drink in the morning is the nestle essentials breakfast shake who i guess is not enough

I just brought that clean gainer but cant even take a sip when i woke up.

i was wondering if any of you can tell me if theres a special drink that can complete a breakfast plz
for the rest of the day i eat very good im actually taking 2500 cals but never eat breakfast

thanks in advance and sorry for my english

height : 6f1
weight : 130 lbs
age : 23 yrs
whole milk perhaps?

for you, you need calories in any form right now, dont be too concerned about anabolic windows and shit like that
Seriously. A can of whole coconut milk with four scoops of Cyto Gainer is 2100 calories. If you can't put on mass putting back 2100 extra calories a day, you have a meth habit.
Yes whole milk i can drink that but is it enough... like i said after my accident i never gained 1 ounce and everywhere io read they say that if the breafast is not completed i can forget about my weight gain
Seriously. A can of whole coconut milk with four scoops of Cyto Gainer is 2100 calories. If you can't put on mass putting back 2100 extra calories a day, you have a meth habit.

wow ill look forward for trhe coconut milk i could jump from 2500 + 2100 = 4600 kcals

thanks guys for them advice and do you guys has any review on that clean gainer by rivalus
You're worried too much about "clean" gains right now. At 73 inches and 130 lbs... I think my right leg weighs more than you do. Seriously, have a look:

CytoSport l Building Athletes from the Inside Out

Although looking at it, I misremembered how many calories are in it. So you'd be getting 1800 calories, about half fat. Not really "bad" fats (coconut oil has lots of medium chain triglycerides), but avoid it on-cycle (which you are absolutely not ready for) because your LDL will go through the roof.

Really, can't you eat normal food? I mean, I'm right about double your weight at 77 inches. I frequently have a pound of bacon, eight eggs, two cups of spinach, and an avocado -- for breakfast. That shit will put weight on you. What's the real problem here?
You're worried too much about "clean" gains right now. At 73 inches and 130 lbs... I think my right leg weighs more than you do. Seriously, have a look:

CytoSport l Building Athletes from the Inside Out

Although looking at it, I misremembered how many calories are in it. So you'd be getting 1800 calories, about half fat. Not really "bad" fats (coconut oil has lots of medium chain triglycerides), but avoid it on-cycle (which you are absolutely not ready for) because your LDL will go through the roof.

Really, can't you eat normal food? I mean, I'm right about double your weight at 77 inches. I frequently have a pound of bacon, eight eggs, two cups of spinach, and an avocado -- for breakfast. That shit will put weight on you. What's the real problem here?

Thats the thing i can eat whatever is on my way but WHEN I WOKE UP its like my brain tell me not to eat. But if you guys tell me that i worry to much for the breakfast ill eat 2 hour after awakening

when my clean gainer is finish ill go with that cito gainer too

AND for the cycle im looking forward to go next step but like you said im not ready
why are you waiting two hours to eat? i'm not sure i understand what's going on here. can you not just stuff food into your face?
let me be clear has possible : i am 130 lbs my goal is to achieve at least 180 lbs

I think my DIET is ok BUT i have problem having breakfast in the morning. usually i woke up at 7h30 bring my lil queen to the kindergarden and i can go on without eating till 12pm

that said i just wanna know if this bad habit can prevent me from gaining weight
let me be clear has possible : i am 130 lbs my goal is to achieve at least 180 lbs

I think my DIET is ok BUT i have problem having breakfast in the morning. usually i woke up at 7h30 bring my lil queen to the kindergarden and i can go on without eating till 12pm

that said i just wanna know if this bad habit can prevent me from gaining weight

bro. the body needs calories, obviously. excess calories makes you gain weight.

what do you think will lead to more weight gain?

1. eating as soon as you wake up, and eating normally through the day, maybe consuming say 2700 calories?
2. eating a bit after you wake up, eating a ton throughout the day, consuming about 4000 calories

2 will gain more weight. i made those numbers up btw, dont follow them. but do you get the idea?

dont worry about anabolic windows, thats all a scam.

early humans went days without food, then would feast on a huge meal. did their bodies say "oh shit, just woke up and got no calories, better burn all muscle." no. youll be fine brah.

meal timing/frequency is mostly irrelevant tbh
I'm NEVER hungry in the mornings but I eat anyway. You just force it down and go on with your day.

8 whole eggs(pan fried go down pretty easy, or hard boiled) I use water to chase them down.
1 cup of raw minute oats shaken up in water.

boom there's your breakfast.
or try a home made shake if you have a blender.

2 cups milk
1 banana
2 scoops whey
4 tbsp peanut butter

just guessing, but thats around 700 calories i think? and it tastes pretty damn good too
you want to eat upon waking up because you are coming out of an 8 hour fast. when throughout the day do you go more than a couple hours without eating? never! atleast you shouldn't be anyways. so if you sleep 8 hours like a good little boy and then go 2 hours before you eat that's 10 hours of no calories. not good. like mispronounced said, whole milk. not too many people can wake up and immediately stuff their face with a lot of whole foods. i am extremely pressed for time after waking up, and i go to the gym right after checking into work. so upon waking i have 2 glasses of chocolate milk. that's 400 calories. enough to end my fasting window and get some fuel in me for the gym, better than nothing. then after working out i have a peanutbutter and honey sandwich with another two glasses of milk. so by 8am i've had 1000 calories. easy. and you need to be shooting for more than 2500 calories a day, that's like maintenance bro. you probably need somewhere in the ballpark of 3000, and remember as you gain weight your caloric needs go up as well.
or try a home made shake if you have a blender.

2 cups milk
1 banana
2 scoops whey
4 tbsp peanut butter

just guessing, but thats around 700 calories i think? and it tastes pretty damn good too

assuming you're talking whole milk and that one scoop of whey is 25g protein, that would be around 1300 calories. i used to do something similar to this in the mornings but just got so damn tired of blending. now i do 2 cups of milk, much quicker and easier. i was trying to get away from the protein powders and switch to 100% whole foods. however even without the whey you're looking at 1100 calories and could throw some nesquick or something in there for flavor.
you want to eat upon waking up because you are coming out of an 8 hour fast. when throughout the day do you go more than a couple hours without eating? never! atleast you shouldn't be anyways. so if you sleep 8 hours like a good little boy and then go 2 hours before you eat that's 10 hours of no calories. not good. like mispronounced said, whole milk. not too many people can wake up and immediately stuff their face with a lot of whole foods. i am extremely pressed for time after waking up, and i go to the gym right after checking into work. so upon waking i have 2 glasses of chocolate milk. that's 400 calories. enough to end my fasting window and get some fuel in me for the gym, better than nothing. then after working out i have a peanutbutter and honey sandwich with another two glasses of milk. so by 8am i've had 1000 calories. easy. and you need to be shooting for more than 2500 calories a day, that's like maintenance bro. you probably need somewhere in the ballpark of 3000, and remember as you gain weight your caloric needs go up as well.

Thanks for the reply donjob this is why i was so concern with the breafast
You're worried too much about "clean" gains right now. At 73 inches and 130 lbs... I think my right leg weighs more than you do. Seriously, have a look:

CytoSport l Building Athletes from the Inside Out

Although looking at it, I misremembered how many calories are in it. So you'd be getting 1800 calories, about half fat. Not really "bad" fats (coconut oil has lots of medium chain triglycerides), but avoid it on-cycle (which you are absolutely not ready for) because your LDL will go through the roof.

Really, can't you eat normal food? I mean, I'm right about double your weight at 77 inches. I frequently have a pound of bacon, eight eggs, two cups of spinach, and an avocado -- for breakfast. That shit will put weight on you. What's the real problem here?
pm me more of what u eat during the day i could really use the help
or try a home made shake if you have a blender.

2 cups milk
1 banana
2 scoops whey
4 tbsp peanut butter

i cant eat much in the morning either heres my trick
Blend 4 cups uncooked quick oats
1 cup water im Lactose int. so no milk 4 me.... i miss cereal ANY WAY
and mix in your protein and a banana
LAST STEP DO THE MATH I THINK YOULL B SUPRISED : ) and best thing is u dnt have to eat a damn thing your drinking one big glass and dont for get blend the oats dry last thing u want is to b swallowing clumps