The Difficult Road Ahead : 3J Client : I just need Possible

OK. So I've moved and I've found my digital scale, measuring tape and everything that I need to keep 3J up-to-date. I weigh in tomorrow.

Last week, I did have my scale. I weighed 2kg higher (+2.0kg). I had a big move, went through a divorce, dealt with new work and tried hard to fit things into the right place. I made it to the gym every single day but my diet was not on point (Take away from that, you can live in the gym but if your diet sucks, what's the point). The stress/emotions etc had me eating more carbs and meals at night, fewer during the day.

I'm back on track and I'm on point with my diet (This last week). Hopefully, tomorrow those 2kgs will be gone, or at least in part.

Time to shed more fat over the summer. Hope to get closer to 100 kgs.
Alright, been a while since I've updated things. Lots of shit happening.

So, I've dropped some, put some back (I think water). I'll know more next weigh-in.

Going to be going full keto for a month to tackle this contest I'm in with 3J guiding me. Looking forward to it, but not really. I've done keto before but probably not how 3J is planning things.

Some good news, I'm no longer using a CPAP machine. No more sleep apnea for this guy. Off, sent the machine back, feeling great.

Since I'm single again, I'm looking forward to going out and checking the night scene...but my game is WAY off. I need practice. Hopefully after this keto month...for some reason I don't think I'll have it in me to deal with girls in a loud bar or club...come to think of it, even not in keto I'm wondering if I can handle it. We'll see I guess.
As the weight falls off, you will find you LOVE the way you look and realize you are a desirable man. Have some confidence in yourself, the game will come back to you in time, just be you...a thinner, stronger, manlier you. :)
Well, I am a happy man. Walked into one of my workplaces today and people commented on how it looks like I've lost weight in just the last week. AND, I guess I still have a bit of game left in me because one of the young ladies asked for my digits, which I gladly gave. Not sure if anything will come of it, but damn good motivation for sticking with what I've been doing.

Had to drink and eat with clients yesterday. My tolerance to alcohol has gone WAY down. I barely drank and when I got home I was OUT cold...and it still wasn't even dark outside (It was a long lunch). Training in the evening today was very different than training in the morning. WAY too many people and WAY too hot.

Tomorrow is leg day.

I will not be buying any new clothes until the end of August. I've gone through way too much as I've dropped down. Although, if things go well with the young lady I may have to buy something nice to wear.
OK. So day 1 training with no carbs.

First, waking up and making protein pudding for breakfast is nice. I get up a little earlier than I normally do, mix a little water in with protein the put it in the fridge. I go back to bed and about 30 minutes later I wake up and enjoy that protein pudding with some coconut oil.

I don't know if it was lack of sleep or lack of carbs, but I had no power. The preworkout I took gave me a boost in energy but it was short-lived. By the time I got to cardio, I wanted out of the gym.

As for not eating any carbs, it's been just a few days but I don't really have a craving for them. I did dream about eating cake but was happy it was just a dream. 4 more weeks.
I haven't eaten carbs pre workout or for breakfast for months. Coconut oil/MCT oil fuel my workouts. Stick with the keto. The first 4-6 weeks can suck but it's worth it. I've dropped about 8% BF in the last 6 months with targeted keto. Have plenty of energy in the gym as well.

Keep up the good work.
Yeah, so far it's going well. I'm day 3 and about to go in and train back. Hopefully I'll get through it well. I'm looking at cardio machines to buy and do at home. I'd rather do cardio later in the day when at home and have more energy to burn. Or to do cardio twice a day (When it comes time to do that with 3J)
Whatever is in a glass and half of beer is what I had as far as carbs. It was a BBQ style dinner so plenty of meat/chicken/seafood. Stayed away from rice, potatoes and other high carb foods. There was SOOO much good food too, a buffet of sorts. I could have eaten way more than what I did.

Now I'm at home trying to flush my system with water. I know there was more salt in those dishes than what I normally eat. I'll get in at least 3 liters before bed.

At the dinner I met some people that I hadn't see in about 6 months. Got plenty of compliments on the weightloss. Definitely an ego booster.

Cardio is getting harder to do. I used to breeze through my 25 minutes playing Youtube vids on my phone. Now I struggle. Now when I hear of people going into contest prep for 12 to 16 weeks I feel for them. It's definitely not fun at just 2-3 days...I hope to make it to 4 weeks. Can't imagine what triple or quadruple that number must feel like.
Alright, back into it!!

So, protein sludge and coconut oil seems to be a real life saver for me. It fills me up and tastes REALLY good.

I just spent 1 hour cutting up cabbage, cucumber and lettuce to make grabbing things easier throughout the week. I also weighed my chicken before and after cooking so that I can get an idea of what it should weigh after cooking. That means I can just cook a bunch of chicken, place it in a container and weigh it out cooked. Just making things simple.

I'm being served beef tonight. No carbs. It's a rare occasion that I get to eat beef for free/cheap. I'll enjoy the beef and veggies for dinner. almost 1 week keto...sorta.

I'm not really craving carbs. I like the olive oil/sesame seed oil/coconut oil etc. It seems to be filling that hunger gap, making me feel full. I am getting some headaches of sorts. I think my brain is looking for that fuel. Hopefully those will fade over the next week.

I've placed an order for some igf1 and hope that will enhance fat loss over the next couple of weeks. Not sure on when it will arrive. Whenever it does, it's just another addition to the arsenal.

Today was arms day:

I didn't get a pump, even with my pre-workout and plenty of water. The pumps are GONE!! Cardio still sucks. Hopefully that'll change too. With biceps I feel like I've lost power. Surprisingly I had more power with my tris. Not sure why.
Well, my day got worse.

I went to the doc and bought my pins today (Very hard to get pins here, and very hard to get a doctor to sell them to you). I must have left them on the counter at the local supermarket. By the time I got there they were closed. This is Japan, so the likelihood they will be there in their lost-and-found section is really high...but I will not be sleeping well until I get there in the morning and have my bag in hand. FOOOK ME!
Well, this morning I managed to get my pins. They were at the store where I left them.

Today was a really shit day as far as my working schedule. Way too much time on my hands in the morning, but not enough time to actually go out and do anything productive. Then I worked a couple hours. Came back late enough that there wasn't much that I could do. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I plan on weighing myself Monday morning as that'll be about a week since I've gone on this diet. Hope the scale tells a happy story.
Weight should be down, but remember ingesting carbs means you retain more water. Keto works and the weight loss is real, i.e. Fat loss, but there's also water loss.

When I would do carb reloads on some weekends my weight would be up 2-3 kilos on Monday. lack of water retention is also why you look "flat" on keto. Not sure is lgf-3 will help or not, but GH does. Curious to know how the lgf works out for you.

Keep up the good work.
Weight should be down, but remember ingesting carbs means you retain more water. Keto works and the weight loss is real, i.e. Fat loss, but there's also water loss.

When I would do carb reloads on some weekends my weight would be up 2-3 kilos on Monday. lack of water retention is also why you look "flat" on keto. Not sure is lgf-3 will help or not, but GH does. Curious to know how the lgf works out for you.

Keep up the good work.

Yeah, I sometimes weigh myself Monday (After low carb weekends) and then Tuesday (Monday being a high carb day) and I'm up 2 kilos. Not being able to get a pump really sucks. I know that's just part of the game but a pump is always good for the mind IMO. ifg will be used for the fat loss and because it's WAY cheaper the HGH especially if you are thinking long term.

Protein sludge is really helping me stick to my diet. I just got some great chocolate protein (I haven't ordered chocolate flavored in a while) and it tastes like real pudding when it's made properly. I put 2 bowls in the fridge, one for my pre-bedtime meal and one for my morning meal.

The people at the local supermarket definitely think I'm crazy. I was asked "Why so much chicken...and eggs?" I told them I was dieting down. The response was "What!? You're eating ALL this?" I go through quite a bit of cabbage, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, and soda water.
Forgot to update:

I weighed in at -2.8 kilograms. A good start. Not sure how much is water/fat/muscle.

The keto is definitely kicking in. I don't need as much sleep as before. I remember the last time being in keto and only sleeping 5 hours and thinking I've overslept. I don't miss carbs...surprisingly. I was told I would have to attend a business dinner near the end of the month. I'm trying to come up with a reason NOT to attend. I might be 'sick' the day of that dinner.

So, the goal was to win this competition and with me being higher in bf% I thought I would definitely win. However, after talking to the manager at the gym, he told me that some people drop 18% body fat in 3 months. Definitely not happening. I think it's just their scale and the way they measure it. Ridiculous really. So, now it's less about getting to the top spot and more about getting into the top 10. I've also asked them to let me know who dropped the most total body weight. THAT is something I think I've won.

Keto is kicking in. Sleeping less but feeling refreshed.
OK, so 3J says I'm not allowed the chocolate protein pudding because it has too many carbs in it per serving. The isolate whey I have doesn't make as creamy a protein unfortunately, so I'll have to figure something else out. Today is shoulders day. I'm not a big fan of shoulders day but I will get through it. I have just a couple hours of actual work to do then I'm free to do whatever I want so I'll probably be getting a massage. My calf muscles feel a bit cramped and my back could use a good deep tissue massage.
Blood tests:

ALT (GPT) 35 (46 last year ref. range 8-49
y-GTP 22 (43 last year) ref. range 9-68
TP 6.7 (7 last year) ref. range 6.6-8.2
ALB 4.5 (4.6 last year) ref. range 4.0-5.1
A/G 2.0 (1.9 last year) ref. range 1.3-2.1
Cholesterol 125 (150 last year) ref. range 140-259
GA 12.5 (12.6 last year) ref. range 16.5% or lower

RBC 520 (516 last year) ref. range 418-560
Hb 15.8 (15.8 last year) ref. range 12.7-17
Ht 46.0 (45.8 last year) ref. range 38.8-50
MCV 88.5 (88.8 last year) ref. range 83-99.5
MCH 30.4 (30.6 last year) ref. range 26.8-33.5
MCHC 34.3(34.5 last year) ref. range 31.7-35.2
WBC 65 (89 last year) ref. range 38-89
PLT 23.8 (20.9 last year) ref. range 17-36.5

My cholesterol is low. I don't know anyone that's ever complained (Or heard of a doctor worried) about this. I'm happy.
Cholesterol 125 (150 last year) ref. range 140-259

My cholesterol is low. I don't know anyone that's ever complained (Or heard of a doctor worried) about this. I'm happy.

It is interesting they did not split it out into LDL and HDL (bad and good cholesterol), but it is what it is. For low LDL (the total cholesterol score is HDL + LDL + 20 percent of your triglyceride level, so you have no way of knowing how much of each you have - you need a lipid panel done to get it split out), this is what the Mayo Clinic says about it:

Doctors are still trying to find out more about the connection between low cholesterol and health risks. There is no consensus on how to define very low LDL cholesterol, but LDL would be considered very low if it is less than 40 milligrams per deciliter of blood.
Cholesterol level: Can it be too low? - Mayo Clinic

Your LDL should be <125 (and your HDL >40), so with your total Cholesterol being at 125, you are most surely <125 on your LDL. CONGRATS!!!! That reduces a ton of health risks considerably!

You most likely have a bunch of HDL (good cholesterol) in you as well as the LDL (bad cholesterol), so I would surmise you are nowhere near 40 in LDL alone. You are fine. :)
The test wasn't as comprehensive as you would expect from a normal test because this was done after donating blood. They aren't too interested in being that specific. I will get a regular blood test done at the end of August.