what do u guys eat post workout?


New member
right when ya'll get home after lifting what do you eat when on a bulking cycle and what is your cutoff time for eating.
I have my glutamine then a weight gainer shake with 1200 calories

then about 1 hr later I eat some chicken, there is no cut off time for eating lol!!!!
I drink a weight gainer(about 600 calories) w/ glutamine and creatine. I drink this about 5 mins. after my workout. Then when I get home I usually eat some ground beef and a potatoe. Cut off? When bulking? Are you crazy. Shoot sometimes I get up a couple times in the middle of the night to eat!!
Whey Protien shake mixed with MaloDex, Creatine, and Glute. Immediately after workout. Eat food about an hour after that. Then keep eating every two hours.
I drink an n-large2 shake and have some egg beaters(= to four eggs) with 2 pieces of melted fat free cheese on the eggs. each piece of cheese has 5g of protein
-120 grams dextrose w/ 40 grams whey post w/o. (10-15 grams creatine) *i take 12iu insulin post w/o*
-2hrs later: 100 grams maltodextrin, 50 grams long acting protein like casein.
-2-3hrs later: whole food meal consisting of about 1000 cals at least, usually 1/2 pigout food. :) (maybe a steak sub, coke, couple candy bars and a milk chug with 2 scoops of whey.)
immediately after: 30g dextrose + 5g creatine (w Humalin-R)

30 minutes post-workout: 50g maltodextrin (TwinLabs UltraFuel) + 50g whey protein

90 minutes post-workout: BurgerKing chicken whopper, soda pop, lots of gum-drops, red-vines, etc.

Pretty much any carbs that come into my view for 4 hours post-workout...
DTOX said:

30 minutes post-workout: 50g maltodextrin (TwinLabs UltraFuel) + 50g whey protein

you should try mass fuel by TL, its 50 grams casein etc and 100grams maltodextrin. i use it 2hrs post slin like outlined above, didn't mention the brand name though.
50g whey 50g powdered gatorade mix. I used dextrose, but i got lazy to order more, i have been using the gatorade as someone once suggested to me, and see know difference.
after training, i drink an extreme body or XXL and then home to eat...generally chicken, or veal or some fish with rice and a potato...
