What do you guys think about this bros physique? guess his height, weight and bf%

Un wrong section, but body fat looks like 6-7% at most. We can't possibly guess his height by looking at a picture. Since his weight will be determined by his height the weight guess would not be accurate either. Good gear, nutrition, training, and black genetics lol. Ask your doc to inject you with some black stem cells and you will look like this in no time....not srs
Height - an inch or two under 6' -- just count the cinder blocks in the background (ea cinder block is 8")
Weight 210
Bf 6%
His instagram states he is 6'2 242. Which would mean he could gain about 15-20lbs and still have a visible 6 pack. I say all this to say the guy seems huge to only be a male fitness competitor
He is a little 'round' for mens physique class, but is def in that class.. His quads are irrelevant though being they wear long shorts on stage and quads are never seen
Height - an inch or two under 6' -- just count the cinder blocks in the background (ea cinder block is 8")
Weight 210
Bf 6%

Yeah only problem is that it is hard to tell how far back the blocks are, but that is a big fucker for that low body fat. Reminds me of Doug Miller.
Height - an inch or two under 6' -- just count the cinder blocks in the background (ea cinder block is 8")
Weight 210
Bf 6%

Lol yeah I was counting blocks and multiplying by 8. So 5'9 ish and 195. Maybe. 7% bf
obviously he has a sick physique but the legs are a bit out of proportion to his upper body

his biceps look weird in that first pic though.. a bit soft idk
8-10% bf, absolutely not 6%

at 6'2, 242 I wouldn't put him the "huge" category... for physique he's in line, but if he wanted to compete in bodybuilding would have to add 30+ lbs at the same bf%... 5'10, 242 would be more like a bodybuilder

that all said, he's worked hard on diet and training to achieve this... most people, I mean 98% of people, don't have the will power to stick with something long enough to see these results
He doesn't look much out of the norm. With the proper drugs, diet and the work your willing to do in the gym hes nothing special.