What do you guys think about this cycle?


New member
I've not even started my next cycle and I'm already planning the one after..haha...


Dianabol @ 30mg/ED Weeks 1-4
Deca @ 300mg/Wk Weeks 1-8
Test Propionate @ 100mg/ED Weeks 1-3
Test Enanthate @ 500mg/Wk Weeks 1-15
Equipoise @ 750mg/Wk Weeks 1-15
Winstrol @ 50mg/ED Weeks 12-18
Femara 2.5mg/ED Throughout

Standard stuff coming off...HCG, Clomid, Etc.

This cycle would come after a 6 month lay off or so...
I would save the prop untill the end, and use it up untill you are ready to come off. With the dboll and enanthate I really see no reason to use it up front. Other wise it looks of to me.
I would keep everything as is except the Prop., you can take it out as a frontload since you are using d-bol at the beginning.
I like it except I would "tweek" it this way:

Dianabol @ 30mg/ED Weeks 1-4
Test Enanthate @ 500mg/Wk Weeks 1-15
Equipoise @ 750mg/Wk Weeks 1-15
Winstrol @ 50mg/ED Weeks 12-18
Test Propionate @ 100mg/ED Weeks 16-18
Femara 2.5mg/ED Throughout
(I'd prefer Aromasin d/t the cholesterol levels already subjected to harm from the Winny)
Standard stuff coming off...HCG, Clomid, Etc.

Be sure to use:
Milk Thistle
Ala and/or Tyler's Liver Detox and/or Liv 52
Efa's (flax, fish oil)
Rollon said:
Hey Paulos, what is your bodyfat down to?

I am about 15% right now, I'm starting a cutting cycle monday, I'm not going to hit the cycle I posted here untill I am 10% or under.

I've done 500mg EQ before, don't think 750 will be a problem.
RoadHouse said:
Ethanate would be dwidling, it would still be active, but not too much.

I see, I just checked the half-life of enanthate, for some reason I thought it was longer.