What do you recommend input asap


New member
Hello everyone I have a question that desperately needs to be answered ASAP.
What do you take or recommend taking if u devolope sore tits and it becomes hard an tender only one tit has this ive tried some natural supplements but nothing helps please help me not only am I in pain but embarrassed
if your on cycle get your hands on some arimidex and run it at 1mg eod or aromasin at 12.5 mg ed try that untill your done your cycle then get some nolvadex, clomid and letro for when your done save the letro untill after the nolva and clomid, if it doesnt work run the letro for 4 weeks should take care of those growing titties...
Forma from mrsupps and i always throw in EndoSurge to help if it had anything to do with prolactin sides from 19nor products.

If this doesn't work you can always use letro.