What do you think of this cycle, Any suggestions?


New member
I'm 25, I weigh 215, 12% bf, I've done 2 cycles of test before. What are your thoughts on this and I'll keep a weekly log of my training and a day to day caloric count with a total caloric count at the end of the week. I'm trying to get ready for a bodybuilding show in may. I want to weigh 210 pounds at 6%bf before I go on stage.

Weeks 1-24 - 6 I.U.s ed

Weeks 1-16 - 1,000mg ew

Weeks 1-4 50mg ed

Weeks 12-18 80mg ed

Weeks 16-24 - 40-80mcg ed
1 week on 1 week off

T3- 50 mcg ed

Clomid PCT
100/ 75/50/25
Pct Weeks 18-22

Lean Extreme for cortisol control

Nolvadex and letro on hand just in case of sides
i like the fact you have run 2 test cycles and have mastered the beginners cycles before you added anything else so well done buddy.
i would do this: drop the hgh it needs to be run months and months and will give you very little in the form of gains, it shouldnt be used unles your 30-35+ or if you are a serious pro bb, i strongly advice you too avoid it, its nasty stuff and can cause all sorts of problems like abnormally large organs etc, it is also incredibly expensive and wont give you anything.
clen is horrible stuff really lots of sides and not good for you or anybody, i will never use it, however lots of peeps do but i feel there are far better things to use. i would also avoid t3 but thats me.
your test is quite high but if you not what the score is, its up to you. id just go with the dbol/test/var itll be a nice cycle and youll get decent results.
I would run aromasin at 12.5mg eod thro cycle as prevention is better than a cure. youll need some liver support and blood pressure control and id stack the n2guard alongside the dbol and anavar to cover both, as i do with all my orals.
i would add in some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or hcgenerate from half way on cycle to the finish.
and i would add some Daa at 3g's a day and some forma stanzol thro post cycle therapy (pct) and 2 weeks after to help you to recover and utilise what test you have and also to control any rebound from the clomid.
My man that is a perfect cycle! I would not change a thing. 6 months of hgh at that dose is perfect. You will get nice and lean and hard on it.

I may add in a little Tren acetate the last 6 weeks versus the Anavar (var) but hey to each his own. I don't like the bang for the buck with Anavar (var). If you can get it at a reasonable price with that dosage though it is golden.

I would ramp up the t-3 and do it in 6 week cycles. Start at like 25 mcg's and ramp up to 75 for the last 3 weeks. Don't peak too early man you can cut later than I think you are going to.

If you start cutting too early you may dip way below the 210 you set out for. Remeber your body has about 1000 grams of glycogen. In this it takes about 4000 grams of water to store the glycogen in your muscles. 29 grams in an ounce means there is about 8.6 pounds of water on you before depletion.

Just an FYI I guess.

I hope you kill it

Lastly I would get some arimadex and run .5mg eod e2d to keep the bloat down from that much test.

Other than that you look like you have a great handle on the subject.

Clen is a beautiful thing if done correctly. I would run the clen the whole cycle. No bullshit either. Run it 2 days on 2 days off the entire time. You will get very lean on it and it will help you to get harder and vascular. This will also keep your receptors clean and let the stuff keep working. You can gauge it by seeing how high your dose has to go up. you can figure this one out on your own.

I would carb cycle too meaning not eating carbs on days I don't work out. I find that you get the best of both worlds with this type of training.
Drop the clen and t3 in pct ....other than that i like it. If you wish just run te clen in pct...but drop the t3.