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how to fake test levels
Your doctor will be most interested in your free testosterone levels when considering testosterone replacement. Free testosterone is the measure of biologically active unbound testosterone in the human body. This means that Free testosterone is the indicator of how much testosterone hormone is actually available in the body. Total testosterone does not measure biologically active unbound testosterone and therefore does not indicate how much testosterone is available to the body. Normal total testosterone levels in men range from 300 to 1,100 nanograms per deciliter. Normal free testosterone levels range from 50 to 210 picograms per milliliter.

Now that you understand how a testosterone analysis works, how can we manipulate the results in an effort to receive testosterone replacement therapy? One way is to take high doses of the prohormone 19-Norandrostenedione for a period of 8 to 10 weeks. 19-Norandrostenedione, a Nandrolone steroid precursor, in high dosages of 1500mgs per day should cause a large enough drop off in your free and total testosterone levels to qualify for testosterone replacement. Make sure that during this time you do not take any products that cause a boost in your levels of LH (luteinizing hormone) such as Tribulus Terrestris or Clomid. Studies have shown that testosterone levels of patients measured during periods of stress, viral infection, sleep deprivation, starvation, and fasting have been significantly lower than normal. If at all possible, schedule your blood test to coincide with these conditions.

One athlete told Elite Fitness of his hardcore 4 point plan he uses to obtain testosterone replacement therapy. First, he limits his sleep to no more than 4 hours each night 3 to 4 days before his blood test. Then he will fast for the same 3-4 day span eating no food and drinking only water. The athlete also deprives himself of any sexual release through intercourse or masturbation for these 4 days. The last and most interesting step to his plan is to take one of his girlfriend’s birth control pills 12 hours before the test. Taking a female birth control pill the day before a blood test should temporarily raise estrogen and/or lower testosterone enough to encourage replacement therapy, although we do not encourage this extreme practice.

courtisy of elitefitness !
Ive read this on several different places. The catch is that generally doctors wont prescribe a "normal" amount of test (by normal, I mean what we would consider sufficient to make a cycle). Of course, every little bit helps.
I was thinking it would be a good idea if you wanted to save some cash.

Has anyone here tried something like this to get a script?
Let me give you an actual example;

I am on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) @ 100 mg/week, pretty well the standard dose.

Say I want to save up my supply from my script to run a 10 week cycle @ 500mg/wk.

I would have to save for 50 weeks, yes...2 short of a year, to accomplish this. Sure you are going to save a little bit of coin, but it takes forever, so my ROI is not very good.
Seems like an awfully Spartan regimen to put oneself through to get a max of 200mg/week of test (100 for most).
I guess it would be good for someone that wants to run 500mg/week, but can only afford 400mg.

I don't plan on doing this, I was just curious if anyone has ever put themselves through this for such a small amout of test.
why not run an cheap oral like dbol for a couple of weeks prior to the test and come of of it a day before the test this should suppress the natural test enough to do the trick without the drastic measures you talked about , GOING WITHOUT SEX FOR 4 DAYS IS HE CRAZY :eek:
The funny thing though is that there is probably a person who read this has already started sleep depriving himself so that he can get a little gear for free.