What is a tick mark


New member

Got my self some premium peps. I have worked out dose measurements easy. Need help with defining a tick mark on a 1ml insulin syringe. My syringe goes up in 10,20,30,40..to100, with 4 lines in between.

so, would the 10 be a tick mark? or one of the lines in between the 10,20,30 etc. If so each line wound be 2 ticks if i am correct.
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On a 1ML slin pin each "tick" = .020. The 10 = .1 or 1/10th of a ML. The 20 = .2 or 2/10ths of a ML and so on and so forth..
Thanks Mickey... So i take it the small lines in between the numbers is what is defined as a "tick". As i am using GHRP 2 and MOD 1-29 i require 2 ticks of GHRP, and 3 Ticks of MOD 1-29. Seems like such a very small dose. This should give me 100mcg per dose.

each tick mark would represent 2 ticks as it goes up in 2's eg ////10////20////30////40////50....

Hope i am correct, and i do appreciate your knowledge.
Did you recon it yourself or did it come already made up (mixed in bad water)? Im just curious as you said you need 100mcg of each but also said you need 2 ticks of one peptide and 3 ticks of the other. For 100mcg, depending on the recon strength 2000mcg:1mL or 1000mcg:1mL you would need the former to the 5 mark (between the 2nd & 3rd ticks) and the later to the 10 mark (5th ticks).

Basic Math
Reconstitute 1mg (1000mcg) of anything in 1mL bac water (2mg/2mL, 5mg/5mL etc).
100 mark = 1000mcg
10 mark = 100mcg
10 mark is divided into 5 so each tick mark is 2,4,6,8. 5 units is obviously therefor between the 2nd and 3rd tick.
1 mark = 20mcg
2 = 40
3 = 60
4 = 80

Yes each tick represent 2.
white dog... post a picture up of the syringe. thats the only way to be 100% sure that the answers you get are correct
I cannot direct you on how to administer your peptides. I have no idea on the strength (reconstitution strength) or protocol you have chosen.

You'll have to provide more detailed information for anyone to responsibly assist you.

Got my self some premium peps. I have worked out dose measurements easy. Need help with defining a tick mark on a 1ml insulin syringe. My syringe goes up in 10,20,30,40..to100, with 4 lines in between.

so, would the 10 be a tick mark? or one of the lines in between the 10,20,30 etc. If so each line wound be 2 ticks if i am correct.

a tick mark is the small lines (the 4 lines)...
Thanks Mickey... So i take it the small lines in between the numbers is what is defined as a "tick". As i am using GHRP 2 and MOD 1-29 i require 2 ticks of GHRP, and 3 Ticks of MOD 1-29. Seems like such a very small dose. This should give me 100mcg per dose.

each tick mark would represent 2 ticks as it goes up in 2's eg ////10////20////30////40////50....

Hope i am correct, and i do appreciate your knowledge.

depends how much solution you mixed in. it could be 1ml it could be 4 ml , we dont know.... if its 1ml then 1ml=2mg IF it was 2mg that was in the bottle... then you do the math..
Be sure to check your slin pin. Some go in 2's (5 ticks = 10 bold mark - 2/4/6/8/10) and others have ticks in 1's. (10 ticks - 10 bold mark).
Got it all sorted.. Cheers for the advise. Yes it all comes down to the maths..
My slin pin does go up in units of 2... that's why i was confused. Due to this i have mixed with 2ml Bac to make it easy to work out the doses.
Thanks Moderator... thats exactly what i needed to know... and as my tickes go up in units of 2's... 1 TICK =2
All sorted... cheers.