What is best for 1st cycle


New member
I wanna start a cycle but my goal is to get more definition while adding size. I'm 160 at 5'11" and work out alot and just not getting definition I want and see other get.
I wanna start a cycle but my goal is to get more definition while adding size. I'm 160 at 5'11" and work out alot and just not getting definition I want and see other get.

you should start a food cycle. I recommend this stack every day
-8 eggs
- 2 steaks
- gallon of milk
- 5 cups rice
- 2 cans tuna
- 2 cups pasta
- 12oz ground beef
I wanna start a cycle but my goal is to get more definition while adding size. I'm 160 at 5'11" and work out alot and just not getting definition I want and see other get.

I'm 6'2 and 260. I want more definition while adding more size.
I wanna start a cycle but my goal is to get more definition while adding size. I'm 160 at 5'11" and work out alot and just not getting definition I want and see other get.

Troll........more definition at 5'-11" and 160. Oh and you workout a lot...:flame:
If your goal is to be a skeletal twink, then you could go for more definition.

Jk lol, you need to forget about that and focus on eating and training good. The better you know your body, the better you'll look when you eventually use AAS. Most guys I know that hopped on gear first week in the gym, didn't even look good after being on gear for over a year lol. They usually get obsessed with being shredded and never get anywhere.
I wanna start a cycle but my goal is to get more definition while adding size. I'm 160 at 5'11" and work out alot and just not getting definition I want and see other get.

At 5'11" and 160lbs you don't have any definition?
hello... is anyone out there?

its a troll... look at the porn websites he has linked in the trackback section, go to the reply spot and hit go advanced, scroll down and look at already pinged. He made this post to send hits to them porn links....
Tren. Lots...

Anyway, I'm sure someone out there is still just after some clarification and il throw in a few cents while here. Test only for first cycle = yes it is best for the first cycle. End of story. Learn how you respond and use it as a gauge.

You could run something like eq or deca only for a first cycle but save the goodies for later.
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