What is everyone's killer arm workout


I like standing barbell ez curls - inside and outside grips
ez preacher curls - inside and outside grips
dumb incline curls
standing dumbbell curls
one arm preacher dumb curls
hammer dumb curls


skullcrushers - incline, lying and seated

8-12 reps
anywhere from 3-6 sets
I used to use this split which worked very well for me...i put on about three inches on the pipes in a few months...
IN the order stated...
Biceps: Standing Alt. Curls, Cambered bar Preacher curls, Hammer curls and finish off with cable Flexes

Triceps: skullcrushers, Seated DB extensions (two hands - 1 DB), close grip bench, and finish off with cable pressdowns

all done with one warmup set and three work sets (4-8 reps) and on cables, do three sets to failiture
Barbell curls
Dumbel curls
Hammer curls
Maybe Ez curls but that is not ofte, dont wanna over train them.
This was my last arm workout

EZ-Curl Preachers
Decline Skull Crushers
Incline Curls
Close Grip Bench
Reverse Curls (superset with) Dips