What is your dream cycle??????

1-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu
2-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu
3-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu
4-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu
5-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu
6-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu, S4
7-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu, S4
8-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu, S4
9-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu, S4
10-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
11-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
12-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
13-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
14-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
15-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
16-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
My dream cycle would be where I take my normal TRT dose but it gives me the same effect as these super duper ones people are posting.
1-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu
2-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu
3-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu
4-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu
5-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu
6-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu, S4
7-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 100mg tbol, 600mg masteron, hgh 20iu, S4
8-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu, S4
9-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu, S4
10-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
11-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
12-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
13-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
14-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
15-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu
16-1000mg test, 800mg eq, 140mg anavar, 700mg desoxy testosterone, hgh 20iu

I fell asleep reading this and didn't know where I left off it was so blurry. What an exhausting cycle :dunno:

Oh... and was that Test A, B, C, D, E , F , or P .......?
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I fell asleep reading this and didn't know where I left off it was so blurry. What an exhausting cycle :dunno:

Oh... and was that Test A, B, C, D, E , F , or P .......?

First 2 weeks prop while loading E,

Writing it was exhausting. And 20iu is daily not weekly.
It would be a lot of work but should be at .01% bodyfat at the end.
Double post...

Anyways I don't usually consider HGH part of a cycle but if I could pick I'd be on 10ius of saizen the whole time as well, with some T-4 and aromasin on the side.
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I like 3js take one it.. but if I had to choose

1500mg test e for 20 weeks with 800mg deca and 400 mg tren e for 16 weeks. 15iu gh a day and 100 mcg of ghrp6-6 cjc dac and mgf

of course all the required ai's and what not
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How about...

Test E 500ml 1-12
EQ 400ml 1-8
Tren 250ml 7-12
Dbol 40mg/d 1-4
Var 40mg/d 7-12
Adex .5mg/d
Standard PCT

Biggest case of fishing for cycles I've seen to date!

Why would you run Eq for only 8 weeks???
Why would you run such a low dose of 'Var?
Your E2 would crash in a few weeks on that Adex dosage.

You say you know your stuff - I beg to differ.

Therefore I'm not sharing!
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Double post...

Anyways I don't usually consider HGH part of a cycle but if I could pick I'd be on 10ius of saizen the whole time as well, with some T-4 and aromasin on the side.

I'll tell you what buddy...

If money was no object - HGH would be part of EVERY cycle I ever run!

Nectar of the gods that stuff :)
Biggest case of fishing for cycles I've seen to date!

Why would you run Eq for only 8 weeks???
Why would you run such a low dose of 'Var?
Your E2 would crash in a few weeks on that Adex dosage.

You say you know your stuff - I beg to differ.

Therefore I'm not sharing!

I called it early in the #2 post :)