What is your favorite gym pump?


Beast in the Gym
Okay, so yesterday I hit a heavy chest session after church and had to rush home to shower up before heading to a friend's to watch some football. I was just really happy with the pump. I do a variety of workout styles (one week is high volume, one week is high intensity, and one is just purely heavy weight) and obviously get a good pump from any of my volume workouts, but was just overly enjoying the pump from the heavy chest session.

It had me re-thinking back to some previous times and what my favorite gym pump comes from. I think anytime you do full body or combined workouts, you get the best of all worlds, so let's not factor those in (because who doesn't like to just get every muscle in their body pumped up? lol).

In the past, I'd always said arms. There's just something about having your biceps and triceps fully pumped. Delts and traps is fun, too, because the boulder shoulders just look awesome. Legs obviously have their place in this, too. And back can be awesome because you just feel SO wide.

But I think for me, it's now chest. I generally don't care too much about training chest, either. I do it, like all muscle groups, but don't really enjoy it. But along with the obvious chest pump, your delts get some action, as well as your tris from all of the pressing and then your bis get a little hit from crossovers.

So I've not concluded that the pump from a chest workout is my favorite.

What is yours? And why?
Good question.
I can't say for sure I have one favorite pump.
Chest/tris and the pump I get on shoulder days would be my top choices.

Legs not so much for some reason.
I really do love all of them (although forearm pumps may not be on that list because those can kill lol).

I just like chest because I'm greedy and my chest work also pumps my delts, bis and tris ;)
I love them all...except for dbol lower back pumps. It is like the 10th circle of hell that Dante couldn't fathom...

^^^ Taurine =)

I love a bad ass shoulder w.o. just come out of the gym feeling fucking stacked!! Looking wide and traps are pumped love that shit!!!
Incline bicep curls. Nothing gives me a pump like this, I get every vein in my bicep sticking out like crazy. Always have people staring when I do them and then they give it a try themselves.