What not to do when deadlifting

maybe they thought rack pulls consist of you pulling the loaded bar off the rack and pulling from the floor then returning it to the rack...LOL!!!!!
pullinbig said:
give um a break guys, at least they're lifting. they just need a little guidance. :D

Keep my form and technique in check but I pull off the rack then start and put it back on the rack at the end. Of course, I'm not pulling 460 either. Is my method wrong? I also use a platform at my gym so the plates don't hit the ground but I let them get just above it. I also don't roll my back like the guys in the vid. Am I doing it right?
Not all gyms have deadlift helpers to load plates on a bar sitting on the floor, I wouldn't ride them for that. The form though, thats another issue.
Mudge said:
Not all gyms have deadlift helpers to load plates on a bar sitting on the floor, I wouldn't ride them for that. The form though, thats another issue.

Roll the 1st plates on to a 2.5 or 5pd plate and load. Easy as pie. Well not as easy as a deadlift helper but easy.
so basically the main thing to look for is to not round your back at all? and also do i fully let all the weight down on each rep?

what can i do to make the weight a little higher? if i put it on a rack than it rolls all around.
yeah back flat but it's not as easy as it sounds for others..like me.

during rack pulls, control the bar as you settle it down from your lift. after the first pull, regroup then pull again

yes...weight down each rep or it will become SLDL or romanian.