What peptides to run together?


New member
40 yrs old
6'1" 209 20% bf

My goal in order of importance. Reduce fat, recoup nagging injuries, rejuvenate, strength gain.
Peptides I have used and have on hand. Frag 191 200mcg Mod Graf w/o dac 150mcg iPamorelin 150mcg (same syringe as mod) all these twice a daily morning and night with 3 hours on either side with no food. Lift 4 days walk the dogs 3 days (that I work).
Plan to change up diet to decrease bf. Didn't care much about bf till a few months.
My questions are
What else should I add and how much to help with my goals? Or change what and how I'm taking them.
Des 1gf
1gf lr3

Can I mix any into same syringe? Where to inject? Feeling like a pin cushion when adding more.
Adding all this up seems like going to hgh be more efficient n effective (only if I had a guy)
Can wife use all the same amounts and peptides?
Hopefully there is enough and correct info here for you to help me out (and not get ripped to bad lol)
Thanks for any input
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