What should I be taking?


New member
Hi everyone, this is my first time on here so any comments are welcome but please be gentle.

Can anyone shed any light on what suppliment I can take to enhance my training which is safe, no steriod and wont make my balls shink to the size of a couple of peanuts. :)

45 this year but going on 30, love pushing the weights around but also love endurance training. Weigh 14st 8ib and falling due to a crappy dose of the flu and a severly sprain ankle which has kept me off training for the best part of six weeks. :goof:

I aim for an athletic physice and stuggle with legs, but then thats a sacrifice I pay for running I suppose. I get to the gym 5 to 6 days a week and run 4 to 5 days a week. Eat a reasonabley healthy diet ( good job to as I'm a chef ) and really get off on training hard and the praise that comes with it.

Had a long series of blood test this year which showed that I had a my liver functions where all over the place which I put down to the Methyl-Test I was taking :insane2: Not good gear although it works. Came off that stuff and had the bloods done a few more times and everything is ok now, even had an ultra sound done which showed the same.

I take the usual protien shakes, multi vits, use no-explode and inferno for burning fat. But the point I am at now is that old old question, " where do I go from here" I liked what I achieved on the Methyl-Test but don't want to go back there again, shits not worth dying for. Feeling low low low after so long off my game and need wise words of wisdom to kick start the every thing again.

Oh and anyone know of any good products to help me get over my rather thinning hair condition. :goof:
Oh and anyone know of any good products to help me get over my rather thinning hair condition.
A wig lol... just Shave it and face it like a man.

Anyway welcome to 'ology First off when cycling did you run any post cycle therapy (pct) and liver products? that could have been the reason for your problems.
You pretty much cover the kick start yourself 'and really get off on training hard and the praise that comes with it.' this should be your motivation alone. Theres only so much someone can do for you, then it all depends on whether your gonna get your ass in gear and do it.
As for supplements that wont shrink your balls? hmmm Caffine, energy drinks or if your deserate you could try epherdrine as a final option, not a fan of it myself dont like the sides. Other than that just healthy eating and getting high on life.
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I think transporting my kids to the colonies would help my hair. Wife and two teenage daughters is enough to make anyone lose their hair ah. Hmmm, wig. Naaaaaaa. Clippers are a far better option, although I have to share them with the Yorkie Terrier, he doesn't mind though.

I have tried epherdrine sups and like yourself not a massive fan. Got to wired on them and drove the family up the wall. Your so right though, need to just get my ass back into gear. Your 100% correct, I probably answerd my own question by stating what I get off on with training. Probably needed someone to poke me in the right direction, dont you hate being sick.

So, answer to my question would really be, get my ass back in the gym in the morning and get a week or two of gentle sessions behind me and start feeling like the person I know I should be.

And excuss my nieve question, what is are PCT's?
post cycle therapy (pct) is Post Cycle Therapy. Methyl test is about the worst choice of steroid you could have chosen with out even knowing what post cycle therapy (pct) is. Use some creatine and that will add some weight and strength and is a purely natural legal alternative to gear.

PS You need to do some serious research on post cycle therapy (pct).
Wow, methyl-test is probably one of the most toxic orals out there!..IMO Most doc's wont even prescribe it anymore because of this, they just go with the Injection. I can see why you had issues. You would have been better off injecting. Anyway..
..if you want to keep it natural, etc. at your age I would definetly consider DHEA and couple that with a 5x5 routine (check out the training sticky's).
and post cycle therapy (pct) is post cycle therapy. It's the short period after your Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle where you attempt to quickly recover your natural test levels that were shut down by the gear.
Hello JayC, methyl-test toxic?? Dont I know it know and paying for it know but thats what you get from not doing the research first. Hence joining this web site and looking for the deffinative word on the rights and wrongs. Once I looked up methyl-test I nearly fell through the floor.

Anyway, cant do the needle thing they just dont float my boat. However, I read your thread earlier this evening on DHEA and looked it up on google. Lots of pros and cons and a little confusing about weather or not I should or shouldn't try it out. It certainly alot cheaper than methyl and I noticed that you recommend taking it with Trib?

What dose would you recommend with my weight haven't a clue what my body fat is at present, normaly hovers aroud 14to 16%

Two biggest complaints about methyl was the price £60, and how hair was growing everywhere, back, arms, chest, nose and ears but none on my bloody head. Whats that all about. Dont answer.
Cheers 4thAD, post cycle therapy (pct) research? I'm on it. Feel like a right novice now and well chastised for taking crap sups. Had a bucket of creatine in the cupboard for a month or two. Head hug low in shame.