What should I do starting a new cycle with gyno?


New member
So I haven't touched anything in about 4 months, am due to start a winter course of test and eq in 3 weeks and out of no where all of a sudden I've noticed a small tender gyno lump under my left nipple.

I know I should deal with this before starting but I'm wondering what would be the best way?

Should I just run nolva now then it should go and then start cycle and keep running nolva (with an AI, I would usually use Adex so I have a packet of that on hand)

Ive read some "blast it with letro" I've personally never touched letro, never liked the sound of the whole estro rebound or what not.

I am gyno sensitive and have shown signs on cycle before so ive controlled it on cycle but not ever had it suddenly appear after a good few months being clean
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You can keep it from getting worse by including an AI and I would use nolva to block e2 at the receptor. Nothing you can do about the existing gyno.
Read the link provided below in my signature. It has a section that covers how to treat gyno.

Thanks buddy definitely helped I thought basically what I'm going to do is the right thing sometimes you just want to hear It from someone further up the ladder to confirm it or see if they can offer a better idea